Sentences with phrase «using magic mushrooms»

Not exact matches

I used the magic sauce to saute boneless chicken thighs mushrooms and zucchini and added it all to a risotto.
Using the treasures found in my parents» fridge and the power of my Magic Bullet, I made the lightest and fluffiest omelet — with sautéed mushrooms and onions — I've ever eaten.
Using porcini mushrooms is like waving a magic wand... they make everything taste better!
«Ayahuasca users also had lower problematic drinking than comparison drug users who had used LSD or magic mushrooms in the last year.»
It is possible to eliminate the curse by using another Mushroom or a Magic Lamp.
They stole the royal magic wands from each country in the Mushroom World and used them to turn their kings into animals.
Deluxe, as well as the Virtual Console page of the game all say that Koopas used black magic in order to turn inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom into stones, plants and bricks, while the real fact is that only Koopalings did this in Super Mario Bros. 3 and Bowser did it in Paper Mario and in Mario Party 8
After getting back, Mario uses the wand to reverse the magic over the Mushroom King in order to turn him back to a human.
Also, instead of potions and herbs, the main character uses an assortment of actual drugs like LSD and magic mushrooms to medicate himself.
Also: aren't all the blocks strewn about the Mushroom Kingdom actually supposed to be Toads that Bowser turned to stone using black magic?
The Koopalings have each stolen the magic wand of a Mushroom World King and used it to transform him into a helpless animal.
To assess drugs use, adolescents self - reported the use of hash / marihuana, XTC, cocaine, magic mushrooms, uppers / pep / speed, or heroin within the last 12 months (Monshouwer et al. 2008; Van der Laan and Blom 2005).
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