Sentences with phrase «using scare quotes»

I use scare quotes there because the film forces us to judge Alex and also to examine our own gendered standards.
One of the ironies in the public «debate» — I use scare quotes since what is transpiring is not a true debate, but rather a competition between an organized disinformation campaign to deny the reality of climate change, and a counter effort to provide a more realistic picture — is that the IPCC is constantly accused of «alarmism,» and is consciously, intentionally, and consistently conservative in their claims.
You'll notice that Chris Farley doesn't use any scare quotes in the sketch.

Not exact matches

I use «free» in scare quotes because Kindle Unlimited is not a free program.
And when the wind isn't blowing, you can use the rotating inertia (notice the lack of «scare quotes») from CCGT.
Before we started this site we agreed that use of the word «Climategate» without appropriate scare quotes makes a comment clear borehole fodder.
I try to use «scare quotes» and I mention, right at the top of my topics, that the Atmospheric «greenhouse effect» works differently from a physical greenhouse.
If you still think scare quotes are always bad, look at how lawyers use them as a way to express understatement.
The first use of scare quotes (with a hyphen) I could find was from a 1946 nonfiction book.
The first use of the term scare quotes (without a hyphen) dates back to at least 1956, when it was used by a University of Cambridge professor in a philosophical essay.
That's because lawyers put scare quotes on words, terms, and phrases they would not use otherwise.
I used to think the use of scare quotes was a matter of writers being too lazy to find the right word, to find the words that would say precisely what the writer meant.
Oh, I'm not sure what part of Esty's quote scared you, Kim, (maybe using the word «discipline» instead of the word «teach»?)
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