Sentences with phrase «using text»

The pdf includes both the story and direction for using the text.
With short films such as Donald Duck in Mathemagic Land, Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom, he was able to motivate students to learn subject matter without using a text book.
To ensure that elementary students are capable of accessing varied information about the world around them, Vermont should also — either through testing frameworks or teacher standards — include literacy skills and using text to build content knowledge in history / social studies, science, technical subjects and the arts.
Conveying to the students that they could incorporate their own personal experiences and ideas in relation to the text — as opposed to using the text solely to develop an opinion — was vital.
To ensure that secondary students are capable of accessing varied information about the world around them, Washington should also — either through testing frameworks or teacher standards — include literacy skills and using text as a means to build content knowledge in history / social studies, science, technical subjects and the arts.
This item type requires students to closely read and analyze text passages and articulate their analysis in writing using text evidence to substantiate their response.
The fundamental issues remain similar (e.g., teachers or textbooks as drivers of the curriculum, student challenges when using text in courses, cost of books); however, the advent of new technologies, like electronic text (e-text) and reading devices (e-readers) have added more complexity to the discussion.
Using text to speech tools for assessment is one tip she wishes every teacher knew.
It is also amazing to witness above average readers using text reader software with reading passages that are challenging.
Students can read and re-read instructions as many times as they need to using text - to - speech, and cross-out items as they're completed.
To ensure that special education students are capable of accessing varied information about the world around them, Maryland should also include specific requirements regarding literacy skills and using text as a means to build content knowledge in history / social studies, science, technical subjects and the arts.
Incorporating some of these strategies while using text - to - speech software will help you better improve your results.
And using text evidence has forever been the center, the heart, the fundamental principle of teaching English; it's nothing new.
As an educator, is it important that you are using text - to - speech strategies to help improve classroom performance for those that are utilizing assistive technology.
«It's taking their previous knowledge and also using the text to explain why,» Franz said.
Daily routines and schedules should be displayed using both text and images.
Next, have students complete the Second Read and Third Read using the text - dependent questions below:
Using text chat to improve willingness to communicate.
Using the Text Talk method, vocabulary words are taught after a read aloud has been completed.
Here's a concrete example: Let's say I want students to be able to write an essay that's an argumentative essay using text evidence.
They struggle mightily when it comes to using text features, interpreting tables and graphs, or even recognizing the importance of white space as a frame for key information.
A topic sentence using this text structure can focus the reader on the cause (s), the effect (s), or both.
Quarterly leadership sessions will be convened using text - based discussions, dilemma - based consultancies, and sharing of effective practices.
Help students meet specific standards using text pairs about key science and social studies topics.
People learn best by seeing someone demonstrating, so being able to capture your screen at the same time you provide a narrative (text or audio) is better than simply telling using text.
«For example, we use VoiceThread, an online multimedia platform where students can listen to the teacher's prompts or other students» questions and respond using text or voice.
to demonstrate that goods are physical things we purchase; and (7) practicing using text features to find information in
«Now they're just using a text edit tool to fill in their answers.»
A custom - designed intervention aimed to improve New York City high school students» attendance by using text messaging to send parents daily absence updates and weekly attendance summaries.
Students will create a multimedia presentation using text, images and sound about themselves.
In 2008 we began using text messages to communicate with students outside of the hours of the classroom.
FUZE coding workshops give an insight into real coding using text based programming languages that are perfect for late primary to early secondary.
Where FUZE really excels is in enabling primary school and young secondary children to learn to code using a text based language which is what real coding is all about.
They then sketch and create their own versions of the booklets using the text only template.
Students first read and cut out the booklet that contains text and illustrations and they then sketch and create their own version using the text only template.
Once completed you can print each one in colour or black and white, as the colours are also indicated using text.
For instance, earlier this year I asked my students to identify a public policy issue they felt needed addressing, and, using the text of the Constitution or Bill of Rights as a guide, argue for how and why it could be solved.
The results found that the participants using Text To Speech software with their reading materials had significantly improved their reading skills.
This article makes the case that using Text To Speech for eLearning has been proven to help students learn.
Discussions that support text comprehension also include a focus that connects with learners» background knowledge (for example, using the text or personal experience) and require teachers and students to make comments that build on what others have said (Goldenberg, 1992/1993; Murphy et al., 2009).
This article makes the case that using Text To Speech software for eLearning, while allowing transferal of information, eliminates the possibility of learning.
Teachers will need to incorporate lessons that ask students to analyze exemplar oral and written arguments, and they will need to increase the number of writing and speaking assignments in which students argue their opinion about a topic or theme, using text - based evidence as support.
But the greatest advance was made by the group using text that was two years above its instructional level.
Tasks that involve numerous steps or skills are difficult to cover using text alone.
In it, the author argues that using Text To Speech for eLearning can present information, but doesn't actually help students learn.
Learning objectives To develop a detailed collage on oneself and to discover how other artists have represented their own identity - Cindy Sherman, Barbara Kruger and Mariel Amelia Showing examples of composition planning of collage - drawing out ideas for collage Using a text artists like Miss Wilcox and adding in words to add to identity image of oneself - adding in text in the photoshop work and then in the fabric work.
They can animate the characters with various gestures and movements, as well as add sound effects and get characters to speak using text - to - voice technology.
They then sketch and create their own version using the text only template.
Used as part of a 3week literacy unit, using Katie Morag's stories to develop understanding of character including justifying using the text.
Being able to visually represent concepts, brainstorms, and related bits of information graphically reached students at a deeper level than simply using text - based descriptions.
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