Sentences with phrase «using voice training»

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Likeable provided a social - media session at Pure Barre's recent franchisee conference, training owners to use the voice of the brand, create mini-social-media plans, and respond quickly to posts from followers and fans.
Voice - over artists are professional actors, trained in using their voice as a tool to sell your product.
While training you, Alexa will apparently use «a soldier - like voice
Voice assistants like Siri and smart speakers like Echo and Google Home are training customers to use voice in ways that marketers must adapt to.
In training programs held year - round, Head Start Trauma Smart teachers learn to validate extreme emotions referred to as (INAUDIBLE) feelings using calm and quiet voices.
One proven tactic has been to use training to leverage the collective power of our engaged community to employ their own social voices to help you: the cause or candidate they believe in.
Elected parents will receive trainings and leadership development sessions, ensuring they are able to use their positions effectively to make their voices heard, advocate for students, and form functional Councils.
In 2007, neuroscientist Amir Amedi and his colleagues at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem began training subjects who were born blind to use vOICe.
«They've made the first comparative study using nonhuman primates of the cerebral processing of voices, and they've done it with a noninvasive technique by training dogs to lie in a scanner.»
That's a drastic departure from existing voice biometric mechanisms, which require training from each individual who will use them, said Kassem Fawaz, who worked on the project as a graduate student at U-M and is now an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin.
Classically trained sopranos also make use of a technique called «resonance tuning» to intensify the vibrations of the vocal folds and increase the power of the voice.
I've used the Nike + system in the past, and though I never took advantage of the online training programs or the global community, I did enjoy having a built - in distance and calorie tracker right on my iPod — not to mention that voice coming through my headphones, counting down the minutes and the miles as I ran.
Whether you use your voice for singing, public speaking, leading a group training class, or just in the course of normal conversation, a well - balanced musculature is the foundation for a well - projected, resonant voice, whereas postural distortions will lead to compromised vocal production (1,2).
Through clever training Alaina becomes more beautiful, David becomes faster, Ian turns smarter, Cole learns to use his size to his advantage, Amber strengthens her voice, Lauren learns to go completely undetected and Samantha becomes capable to trick the most clever minds.Yet their first mission is a bust and they all turn against Ryan's leadership.
The dual purpose is (a) helping to empower students and train them to use their voices effectively, and (b) getting the best possible feedback to make adjustments in both curriculum and instruction.
It takes a good teacher to successfully teach, and it takes a trained voice talent to present learning using asynchronous technology in a manner in which learning can take place.
One of our clients has recorded the interactions between senior sales reps and customers and uses them to train salespeople on various aspects of successful customer communication such as modulating the voice, getting the body language right and so on, and there is no reason other companies can not do the same.
Try to use active voice when you are writing your online training news release.
Her work centers around five essential school priorities: • Supporting school leadership • Using data transparently for accountability • Coordinating a multitier system of support • Providing embedded professional development based on best practices • Engaging parents and families This free one - hour webinar is sponsored by Learning Ally, a national nonprofit providing resources, training, and technology for teachers and schools; and 80,000 human - voiced audiobooks for students with learning & visual disabilities.
Students could use the money to pursue private or group voice, dance or music lessons, attend theater training camps, conferences or participate in special training opportunities through after school or intensive summer programs.
The Think Pair Share strategy has been around for what seems like forever, but the way we at CT3 train it is based not only on best practice from researchers, but on the foundation that students» voices need to be heard, their experiences respected, and their background knowledge used as a strategic foundation from which to build upon the learning that takes place in the classroom.
A bunch of teacher «voice» groups are, well, sending a loud, clear message to the U.S. Department of Education: Give the states more guidance about how to use the Every Student Succeeds Act to improve teacher training.
For example, DRC can provide training on how to use voice recognition software it purchased and provided.
It is just as easy to use the voice - operated control to select a radio station or an entry in the phone / address book: all available or stored names can be called up without the need for prior voice - input training.
The Entune system has voice recognition that you train to your voice, but is totally worthless - it will cause either laughter or rage but it certainly won?t be of any use to you.
The training consists of reading specific extracts of text to help it get used to your voice.
I started to use on early Amazon reader, it was horrible and everyone around me thought I was crazy to tolerate TTS from a kindle.But as far as I was concerned it was so enabling, buses, trains, going to sleep and with a headphone, not even my wife could keep me from enjoying books.Nowadays I use an iPad mini, best voice so far.
You can use the U-Learn software application anywhere, and with the specially engineered voice recognition system you're not required to look at the screen at all making it perfect for anyone driving, walking, or even on the train or bus.
It features iFit Techonolgy, which uses a wireless Internet connection to deliver specialized training programs voiced by Millan to owners and their pets.
When using positive dog training, your voice should always be happy and pleasant.
Train him by using rewards for good behavior and a stern voice for bad behavior.
In addition, clicker training, because of its nearly instant reinforcement of a behavior, can be used to train other tricks, and many readers use voice commands to train their pets.
When training a Havanese you will have the most success if you start their training when they are puppies and use a calm, authoritative voice.
We and our dogs can suffer from too much sensory overload, and ACT helps with that, but most of all, I like the way Maureen gives us choices whether we like to use our voice, a smile or a clicker... we have some say in how we train our dogs, but first, we have to get to know them.
Morgan Spector answers all the familiar questions about clicker training: «Why can't I just use my voice
With hearing issues, clicker training or using a deep voice can be helpful as pets may still hear those frequencies even as other frequencies diminish.
Use a high, happy voice rather than a threatening one, just as you do during training sessions.
By using voice tones and body language, you will have a well - trained dog in no time.
Well trained Instructors will show you how to use play, food, body language and voice to train your dog, and never a check chain in sight!
Most of these training guides focus on Clicker training, which is a fun, easy, cheap way to train your dog without using choke chains or a harsh voice.
· Train your dog using both voice and hand commands to ensure that your dog will always the — even if it begins to lose its sight or hearing.
We teach you how to train your dog through effective use of your voice tones and body language.
Developed in Australia, our simple, natural and dog - friendly training techniques use the same communication methods - body language and voice control - that dogs follow in their instinctive pack mentality.
Bark Busters teaches dog owners about the canine psyche and how to train dogs using voice control and body language, with the goal of putting the owner in control through effective leadership.
For training, both voice and hand signals are used, and a Small Münsterländer will routinely look back to check in with the hunter for silent signals at intervals when on hold or pointing.
I did, however, (on my own and without having read up on clicker training, marker words, or any of that) come up with a system when Jack was a puppy where I would use «good» in a calmer, slightly upbeat voice to mean «you are on the right track» and a much more enthusiastic «Good boy, goooood boyyyy» with a bit of a praise party when he nailed it.
Voices that take a clear stand against pain - based collar devices and the crude manner in which positive punishment and aversive control methods are often used in dog training deserve to be heard in public forums.
Bark Busters bases its training on using voice tones and body language to communicate with your dog.
Keep in mind, though, that the tone of voice being used is an important element in successful training.
Dog can learn a pretty decent vocabulary of commands when properly trained, but the issue can also be confused when the tone of voice you use does not match the command.
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