Sentences with phrase «using yarrow»

Native Nation people have used Yarrow in the same way.

Not exact matches

I used a mix of hibiscus, elderflower, cornflower, lavender, orange blossom, thyme flower, viola, erica, and yarrow.
Why: This organic baby soap is blended with yarrow, calendula and aloe vera, which have been used for centuries to soothe, heal and protect delicate skin.
This herb profile on Yarrow Flowers explains why this is a wonderful and versatile natural herb that can be used in helping with fever, illness, hormones,
Native American herbal medicine makes extensive use of yarrow.
Then I will use — or as soon as I discover a blemish — our highly effective spot treatment Dynaspot ($ 34; overnight, as it soothes redness and inflammation with Chamomile and Yarrow Extracts, and the high concentration of Tea Tree Oil and Salicylic Acid will efficiently eliminate spots without drying the skin.
So, consider cabbage juice (slow, 80 RPM or less juicing, this is very important), several glasses a day, vitamin C, several thousand milligrams a day, turmeric one 3 in long root a day, flax seed, freshly ground 2 tablespoons a day and whole oats / oat bran (2 T - spoons each) to reduce gut inflammation; in addition, from a herbology perspective this is what I am using, with good results: an equal part combination of yarrow, chamomile, mint, motherwort, lemon balm, St John's - wort; you can buy them on line, as 1/2 lbs packages, mix them all up good, and make a tea (boil for 10 - 15 min a quart of water and 4 T - spoons of mix); keep the mix in a sealed jar; this may benefit multiple digestive disorders such as IBS, colitis and Chron's.
To help reduce acutely heavy menstrual bleeding, use ginger root and yarrow.
Yarrow: used most often to help stop bleeding, and to promote skin regeneration.
If you know how to make lotion (it's the same as making mayonnaise), you can also make this lotion to use topically: oils: equal parts calendula and plantain infused in olive oil «waters»: equal parts yarrow tincture, horse chestnut tincture, aloe juice, and witch hazel.
This online guide provides information on more than 60 commonly - used medicinal herbs, from aloe to yarrow.
«Herbs to use include diuretics like cleavers and dandelion for the kidneys, bitters like golden seal, and laxatives like cascara sagrada and yellow dock for the digestive system, diaphoretics like cayenne and yarrow for the skin and expectorants like comfrey and licorice for the lungs.»
Here are some of the green beauty essentials that were traveling with me (links are pointing to detailed reviews I wrote before): Lush Cosmetics Herbalism cleanser, Herbivore Botanicals Balance toner and Lapis facial oil, Fig and Yarrow foot butter (I literally don't step outside without it), Kari Gran essential serum that I use mostly for blending their powder concealer and Burt's Bees herbal blemish stick to avoid any skin surprises during the trip.
Founded by Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul & Mary, the organization disseminates resources such as the free Don't Laugh at Me program, which uses inspiring music, video and curriculum guides to promote peaceful conflict resolution.
Also included are detailed instructions on how to consult the I Ching using either yarrow stalks, coins, or dice.
Yarrow Earth Hock's painting process begins in the plein - air style using imagery from the light drenched natural environment.
With bold color schemes and and an organic painting style Yarrow celebrates the diversity of life and explores his own human nature through the use of acrylics, gouaches, and watercolors.
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