Sentences with phrase «usual conditions»

As soon as the excitement following the election of a new pope had died down, comment editors would abruptly decide that they were all poped out, and move on: and we would all return to the secular world's usual condition of indifference to the Church.
Agriculture was highly affected in western and central Europe; the growth of crops lagged much behind usual conditions,» WMO said.
In 2011, it launched its Mitigation Action Plans and Scenarios program, or MAPS Chile, to determine the baseline for the country's greenhouse gas emissions under business - as - usual conditions from 2007 to 2030.
Jacobson and his colleagues started by taking a close look at the current energy demands of each state, and how those demands would change under business - as - usual conditions by the year 2050.
Considering a higher than average proportion of those miles were completed on the motorway, the Ignis should be able to better that in more usual conditions.
It is a reversal of the usual conditions of society.
In Djakarta, the usual conditions are: if the husband deserts his wife for six months in succession, or does not provide sustenance for her for three months, or does her bodily harm, or ignores her for six months — then the divorce takes effect.
We received an offer on our house last night with the usual conditions, so our sweet little house has sold.
Clearly no guarantees exist, but you may find yourself relieved of some of your usual conditions as a result of your «babies on board» state.
The Tory MP has been given the green light subject to the usual conditions, such as a three month waiting period from his last day in ministerial office.
Some work suggests that changing the usual conditions under which an athlete performs a task can reverse a flawed automatic pilot setting.
So nothing may happen, at least under usual conditions, as a result of extensive brain loss.
Ginger Pinholster, director of the Office of Public Programs for AAAS (the publisher of ScienceInsider), wrote in a statement (see below) that the Curiosity papers were published subject to Science's usual conditions.
The greatest health gains would result from fewer cars and increased walking in Delhi, reducing DALYs by 13,000 when modelling the population in 2030 compared with the same population under business - as - usual conditions.
It is possible that coral adaptation could lessen the impacts we predict under business - as - usual conditions
This is the usual condition across mammals.
A beautiful older woman named Peggy greets her and invites her to stay, on the house's usual conditions: she has ninety - nine nights to turn her life around.
Subject to the usual conditions, including your use of due care such as locking your doors, renters insurance can take care of those gifts stolen from your car.
Of course, the usual conditions are relevant.
Of course, this does not imply that by being a homeowner you will not be required to meet the usual conditions for approval.
Drawdowns are the usual condition of investing, but, over the very long term, the market has continued to grow.
They are prone to the usual conditions and diseases that affect any domestic cat.
The U.S. Gulf Coast and Florida can expect conditions to be wetter than usual, while Ohio and the Pacific Northwest can expect drier than usual conditions.
The IPCC's latest report shows that under business - as - usual conditions, temperatures will likely rise by 3 to 4 C above 1990 levels by 2100.
The usual conditions of a hearing prevailed, except that the parties had no legal representation.
Subject to the usual conditions, including your use of due care such as locking your doors, renters insurance can take care of those gifts stolen from your car.
Of course, the usual conditions are relevant.
The second trial evaluated the preschool program in a more ethnically - diverse, low - income sample, against a control group that participated in traditional nursery school (a treatment - as - usual condition).
People getting a Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner's (Contributory) Pension are eligible for the Household Benefits Package if they meet the usual conditions.
In the most recent study, 63 depressed adolescents (any depressive disorder) were randomly assigned to receive either 16 weeks of IPT - A or a treatment - as - usual condition (supportive counseling).61 Subjects who were treated with IPT - A showed significantly greater symptom reduction and improved overall functioning.
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