Sentences with phrase «usual difficulties in»

Treating cats can generally be challenging due to usual difficulties in bathing and administering pills, as well as their tendency to lick off topical products.
Along with the usual difficulty in climate related matters with generating the specifics.

Not exact matches

The discussion touched on all the usual culprits for the underrepresentation of women in tech industry leadership roles: discrimination in the workplace, the «pipeline problem» of too few girls studying math and science, the difficulty of balancing motherhood with the demands of a startup.
He said regulatory confusion and delays in Canada have prevented the timely completion of pipeline projects such as the Trans Mountain expansion, leading to difficulty in getting crude oil to markets and the current steeper - than - usual discounts being paid for Canadian oilsands crude compared with benchmark New York - traded oil.
When a mom is experiencing difficulty making enough milk for her baby, the usual suggestion from well meaning professionals is, «Nurse your baby more — your body will rally and you will make more milk in just a few days.»
Nestlé in India faces difficulties in using its usual formula marketing practices as the International Code and Resolutions are effectively implemented and enforced.
There have been many challenging design issues on Solar - B, as well as the usual problems involved in designing for the hostile space environment, not to mention communication difficulties!
6) Perceived difficulty in obtaining admission: My usual advice to even the strongest candidates is to apply to schools with a range of selectivity.
Dr Robinson said: «Our previous research using interviews shows it can be common for someone to undergo a period of emotional difficulty and instability which leads them to be more curious than usual about who they are and what their place in the world is.
Define persistent: existing for a long or longer than usual time or continuously: such as; retained beyond the usual period — persistent in a sentence Highland Literacy Raising Attainment in Literacy, Language and Communication: Persistent Reading Difficulties June 2017 Highland's Literacy Strategy from
It has the usual kickass story, but the difficulty curve is a bit wobbly, to say the least, and, in general, it's a story of give and take.
Creep 2 mines some easy indie movie tropes, such as the difficulty in finding friends (or colleagues or partners or co-conspirators, as the case may be), and the filmmakers taking the piss out of their own work and reputation, but it does something much more with it than the usual self - referential fare.
, collects the usual suspects (the always - delightful Pat Hitchcock O'Connell, the always - fallible author / historian Bill Krohn, the always - quick - to - Rich Little Peter Bogdanovich) as a series of talking - heads discussing Suspicion's inferior source material, the difficulties Hitchcock had with RKO, and the fact that Fontaine won an Oscar for her work here likely as consolation for her un-awarded work in the astonishing Rebecca.
When Tunstall is killed by Murphy's (Jack Palance) men in a kind of frontier - style hostile takeover (Fusco, recognizing the difficulty of condensing the politics of the Santa Fe Ring for Young Guns» demographic, counts on Palance's black hat and beady stare to do his adversarial bidding), Billy becomes the de facto leader of the now - deputized Regulators (best shot, loudest mouth), leaving Sheen to pretend that his and Estevez's characters are not obviously from the same gene pool, Sutherland to romantic pursuits, Phillips to blur ethnic lines per usual as a Mexican Navajo, Mulroney to twitch, and Siemaszko to also twitch.
The core of Project Diva F is your usual rhythm game fare: You select a song (from a rough total of 40), a difficulty, a character to perform the song and then start hitting buttons in time with the music.
The game trumpets its brevity and low difficulty as key features, a sort of relief from the usual overly - long game that ends up thrown in a pile of unfinished purchases.
John's divorced, deadbeat brother (Sharlto Copley, slightly less grating than usual) and verging - on - bankruptcy father (Richard Jenkins, eternally delightful) are having extreme difficulty coping with the thought of the family matriarch in peril.
The questions are grouped in approximate order of difficulty and to match the usual order of progress through this topic.
NOTE: We're experiencing technical difficulties in creating our usual downloadable spreadsheet of notable titles arriving next week.
- The absence of the usual sources of currency stress, whether in the form of fiscal deficits or macroeconomic difficulties;
It brings in the usual multi-stage courses that have been in previous Gundam Extreme VS games with varying difficulties.
On Hard Difficulty - Link (Hylian Sword)- Repel enemies and execute Princess Zelda's plan until King Dodongo appears as usual in the scenario.
The game trumpets its brevity and low difficulty as key features, a sort of relief from the usual overly - long game that ends up thrown in a pile of unfinished purchases.
Regardless of what perk you choose to play, there's enough flexibility in team composition that the usual staples of party combat are handy, though not essential when playing on lower difficulties.
Whilst the usual advice is that registration is king, some trademarks are granted with such a narrowly drawn specification or scope that enforcement against «identical» or «similar» marks presents a whole raft of difficulties in determining what these terms mean.
There's the usual tangle here of nature and nurture, the difficulty of holding which unresolved can tempt us to cut the knot with a Gordian «All [men][women] are... such and so,» and «All [white][black][brown][yellow][red] people are... such and so,» whether based in some essentialism or in the view that social attitudes and roles operate so broadly and effectively that the result is largely indistinguishable from that which would be produced by essential differences.
Adolescents who were depressed who reported higher baseline levels of interpersonal difficulties showed a greater and more rapid reduction in depressive symptoms if treated with IPT - A compared with treatment as usual.
The trial will evaluate whether VIPP - SD, compared to treatment as usual, leads to lower levels of behavioural problems in young children who are at high risk of developing these difficulties.
We know that Christmas is a time when people are most in need of support and it is also a time when difficulties or challenges are highlighted most because of the impact of change and the fact that Christmas is a time when we are all together possibility more than usual and when we are most likely to face the things that upset us most such as losing someone we care about, facing family breakdown or learning to live with other changes in our life circumstances
Both the difficulty and value of more effective intervention in this field are readily apparent.1 Disappointingly, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) based interventions look to be no better than good quality treatment as usual (TAU).
When spouses in same sex marriages find themselves facing divorce, they also find that in addition to the usual difficulties involved in dissolving a marriage, there are specific issues to resolve, including: marital property and multiple statuses, non-biological parents, spousal support, social security and tax considerations.
Excessive sleeping, beyond usual teenage fatigue, which could indicate depression or substance abuse; difficulty in sleeping, insomnia, and other sleep disorders
The distractive nature of these thoughts manifest itself in the form of sleep difficulties, poor attention spans which lead to difficulties in school, anger, and / or loss of interest in usual activities.
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