Sentences with phrase «usual narrative»

Frank's usual narrative directly to the camera only begins in the last minute and he leaves the audience with a menacing «Welcome Back.»
The usual narrative about Bush's interest in literacy is that it sprang from her experiences with her son Neil, who is dyslexic.
If we are to believe the usual narrative, it was the Romans who did the crucifying.
Smith also powerfully argues that the usual narrative, in which the post — World War II and Warren - era Supreme Court rescued the nation from a shameful history of religious persecution and discrimination, has things essentially backwards.
That's the usual narrative a fan gives when a player seemingly chooses to go elsewhere.
The demand, from one of the most significant and influential voices on the left of the Labour party, marks a departure from the usual narrative on responsible capitalism, which usually focuses on handing shareholders more power.
In the days since the allegations first broke, the usual narrative has emerged that an alleged victim of domestic abuse should be treated with suspicion and disbelief.
In order to avoid the usual narrative trappings of biopics (the rise then fall then rise again of the protagonist) Creation is non-lineal, cutting predominantly between two distinctly different phases in Darwin's life while incorporating his various stories about the natural world and humanity's attempts to understand it.
Its other principal virtue is the waiving of gung - ho rites — something that given the respectable budget that the studio must have had would have been tempting — in favor of overturning the usual narrative expectations.
Sandra Bullock and George Clooney play astronauts — a newbie scientist and a veteran cowboy — who dodge space debris and the usual narrative expectations while coping with a highly compressed series of crises 372 miles above the...
Its fixation on discreet sections of male bodies, its deftly anxious hookup scenes, its emphasis on the power of looking — Beach Rats certainly speaks a kind of gay male language, even if it sidesteps the usual narratives.
Inspired by how everything in life changes for a person going blind, Norwegian filmmaker Eskil Vogt's film twists the usual narrative structure we're familiar with for something bold, more ambitious, yet just as emotional to experience.
It is a different plot than King's usual narratives.
@Gary Leff also did to the math but he inexplicably chose not to emphasize the salient points made at the two links I just provided (may be because it went against his usual narrative since he too found SPG [r.i.p] awards — one of his and other travel bloggers» preferred programs — to be prohibitively expensive).
Simply put without spoiling things, man creates time machine, bad man has access, good guy has to stop end of time and the usual narrative plot lines of conspiracies, back - stabbing etc follow through offering very few surprises if any at the end.
In stripping away a lot of the usual narrative tropes the series is usually known for, Nihon Falcom have put a fresh spin on the franchise that puts characters and small moments over grand adventures and vast mysteries.
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