Sentences with phrase «usual notion»

The essay, Notions de Futur in its creators» native tongue, explores «the evolution of notions of space, time and society from 2000 to 2099,» and the designs offer a thoughtful counterpoint to usual notions of the «futuristic.»
And their leadership initiatives, often involving strategies of nonviolent suffering and ultimate respect for being, constitute affronts to our usual notions of relevance.
But then he seems to subscribe to the usual notion that there are «tensions» (if not antinomies) between faith and knowing, reason and revelation, freedom and truth — in sum, between Athens and Jerusalem.
He conceives these natural «entities» in contrast to the usual notion of a thing.
«[M] odern martyrs do not fit our usual notion of martyrdom,» he wrote in 2014.
It is important to see how extensively our usual notions of community are refuted here — notions which are either of communities of fate (into which we are locked without choice) or of convenience (in which we have no serious or abiding stake).
Neither the usual notion of matter nor the usual notion of mind helped in understanding these discontinuous events that seem to be the ultimate entities of the natural world.
A game form is similar the the usual notion of game, except that you do not provide a priori the preferences of the player over the possible outcomes.
The existence of such structures in the early Universe seems, at first sight, to contradict our usual notions of cause and effect.
Herpes, regardless of the usual notion, isn't a big life - changer.
This goes way beyond the usual notion of self - publishing as either an alternative or a pathway to a traditional book deal.
This also refutes the usual notion that the only software and hardware combine that could meet the demands of the business world is the Windows 7 perhaps on the upcoming HP Slate.
So much that it will shred to pieces the usual notion of the Intel / Windows combo being cruel on the battery.
The Galaxy Tab clearly does not conform to the usual notion that the price of an electronic good is directly proportional to its size.
The usual notion of arbitrage involves putting two market orders at different exchanges.
Prankster, provocateur and restlessly innovative artist, Francis Picabia defied the usual notions of creative evolution.
Even further removed from the usual notions of photography, Charlie Godet Thomas uses cast sculpture, found objects, photography and painting.
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