Sentences with phrase «usual order number»

* Obviously, I have no idea what their usual order number is or how one would quantify a «unit».

Not exact matches

In order to supply the proper number of chromosomes to the offspring, each parent's reproductive cells undergo a remarkable process called meiosis, whereby cells from each parent are left with half the usual number of chromosomes.
Having exhibited at Pulse before, I felt there were fewer buyers than usual, but that doesn't necessarily mean the number of orders were down.
WhatI've been describing is an infestation, a localized population suddenlygrown orders of magnitude beyond its usual numbers.
The military press naturally creates an insane amount of total body tension — when you create an environment that nearly eliminates leverage and momentum and raises your gravity center higher than usual, you must activate a great number of motor units from head to toe and force them to work together as a team in order to complete the movement.
The acceptable number continuing to rise in order to keep business and pollution as usual churning as the «acceptable «target increases from 1.5 degrees Centigrade to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 degrees Centigrade.
As usual, there are often many factors to for them to consider, from a number of different perspectives, when they attempt to decide whether or not a nominal spousal maintenance order is appropriate.
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