Sentences with phrase «usually bad ideas»

This is usually a bad idea, as most day traders lose money, even those with a solid strategy and good money management skills.
Agreed that convertible notes are usually a bad idea for the angels.
So if it's usually a bad idea to take antihistamines while you're nursing, what makes Claritin so different?
First: No, it is usually a bad idea to put cereal in the bottle before bed.
Taking your baby out when she is in the mood to look around and see the world is great; taking her out when she is sleepy or doesn't feel well is usually a bad idea.
In both cases, it's usually a bad idea, too.
It seems both a sensible and perhaps unavoidable reaction, and certainly actively looking to continue contact is usually a bad idea, but blocking the relationship from your mind entirely may not be helpful in terms of moving on.
But spending your tax refund money on consumer things is usually a bad idea.
In fact, I think investing in a whole - life policy is usually a bad idea (there are more effective ways to invest your money.)
While you may want to put all your trust in your financial planner, that is usually a bad idea as well.
Trading signals that form in the middle of thick consolidation, also known as «chop», is usually a bad idea.
There is no «golden number» of charge cards, but opening cards just to gain a small savings is usually a bad idea.
While there are proper instances for using the stop loss, it is usually a bad idea.
Dan Bortolotti adds the caveat (one seconded by Mordy) that it's usually a bad idea to switch ETFs just because a competitor has dropped its fee by a couple of basis points.
Store credit cards can be a bad idea: Applying for credit cards at the stores you frequent is usually a bad idea.
Property transfer before filing bankruptcy is usually a bad idea and almost always causes more harm than good.
It is usually a bad idea to invest in the company that you draw wages from, because it lacks diversification.
Trying to «time the market» is usually a bad idea.
Probably not, but getting your tax return on a card like that is usually a bad idea.
If you are working with cats, loose - knit sweaters are usually a bad idea — cat's claws catch in them easily — and avoid anything that is a magnet to hair or fur.
Using Avios to fly on British Airways to and from London is usually a bad idea, unless you're okay with paying over $ 1,000 in total fees.
Also, selling buildings is usually a bad idea since you can't get a full refund, so there's no reason for Evolver to do it.
Trying to take on a turret head on is usually a bad idea which almost always results in death, but fortunately your team is supported by AI controlled droids who move down each lane drawing fire from the turrets.
usually a bad idea, plus it's one of the selling points of their consoles, sorta like how when xbox had it's selling point as exclusives and half way through this gen they stopped having them, and the ps3 started picking up steam.
Source: Christopher DiAngelo, Dewey Ballantine «Trying to draft a document on the computer is usually a bad idea, and trying to mark up a document on the computer is always a bad idea.
It is usually a bad idea to talk with an insurance adjuster before seeking legal advice.
But adding a second attachment such as your cover letter is usually a bad idea.
We can tell you from experience, waiting is usually a bad idea.
Since it was stated up front that this will be a rental, tile countertops are usually a bad idea for rentals.

Not exact matches

I usually only bake at 350, which is below / at the smoke point according the bottle... is this still a bad idea?
Usually it's a bad idea to bet on ranked teams (4232-4275-159 (49.7 %) ATS, -273.29 units since 2005) but as Marky Mark from Sports Insights points out, Top 25 programs feast in the early going.
With a ridiculous push by some to avoid c - section at all cost, and induction being almost as bad, I am continually surprised at the number of patients who decline this option... usually because of preconceived ideas that are inaccurate
Giving a bottle when breastfeeding is going badly is not a good idea and usually makes the breastfeeding even more difficult.
There seems to be a resounding consensus on the internet that private campaign funding is a bad idea because it usually leads to corruption and unfairness.
He doesn't usually do this, but Cameron plays his game, and lists Labour policies the Tories opposed which were a bad idea - stuff like VAT.
Hi, yes its strange to some but not to scientists.Actually there is not really that much connection between fat and heart disease at all.It was Ancel Benjamin Keys that came up with that dubious «Seven Countries» studies.My own view is that meat for people with established heart disease is probably not a good idea.The reason being is that people with established heart disease usually got there either by bad genetics, or by bad dietary and lifestyle choices over a number of years.Meat and fat is know to reduce blood flow and constrict the arteries which in healthy people may be of no immediate harm.However in someone with known heart disease any constriction and lack of blood flow to and from the heart is NOT a good idea obviously.
The levels of bacteria found in these juices are usually too low to produce harm in healthy adults, but for pregnant women and babies with reduced immunity, they're a bad idea.
I've always been so bad about shopping for gifts and usually wait to the last minute, but I decided to help you (and myself) get a head start on the holiday shopping by pulling together holiday gift ideas.
Great ideas but I have to admit I don't usually have a big budget for Father's Day — I hope that doesn't make me seem like a bad person.
Especially considering that it usually is a bad idea to change only one of them.
Usually I get a very broad, fuzzy description, or worse, they have absolutely no idea.
Unless you're a mega-bestselling author, this is usually a pretty bad idea.
Usually, this is a bad idea, but I got lucky and those articles became immensely popular.
Sometimes when I tell them what's wrong with it they'll become defensive and explain why they did everything like that (usually to «stand out» and «be different» — both really bad ideas).
But that's usually a very bad idea unless you absolutely need the money for other critical purposes.
Prior to applying for your bad credit loan, it is usually a good idea to check your credit score and report to be certain that everything that is being reported about you to the credit bureaus is accurate.
Don't ever tell anyone from India (with the possible exception of @Dheer) that this deal usually is a bad idea, or that # 4 is correct, or even try to explain term insurance to them.
Borrowing money from your 401K is usually a very bad idea.
Statistically, the vast majority of investment ideas will be rather average, some will be bad, but some of them and usually only a small amount will be really really succesful.
It is usually a bad and costly idea.
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