Sentences with phrase «usually on the short side»

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It is usually best to have the room on the cool side for a healthy four month old, but take into consideration the fact that they will likely sleep with a light blanket and end up uncovered within a short period of time.
If your flight is on the short side (less than however long you usually go without pumping), you can either plan to pump before you get on the plane or on the plane itself.
One explanation for that, says Iacobuzio - Donahue, is that «Distant metastases have to travel long distances along the «highways» of the blood vessels, land in a good spot and colonize, while local metastases just pinch off the primary tumor and go a short distance on «familiar side roads,» so they are usually more similar to the primary tumor.»
Since I'm on the short side, it's usually hard for me to wear longer cardigans — so I need to find ways to make»em work.
Although a bit on the short side with only 7 - reasonably lengthy missions for the Allied, German and Russian campaigns, Sudden Strike 4 offers a great deal of replay value, with each mission allowing multiple strategic approaches though in honesty there is usually an optimal and most expedient path.
It was only after I consulted with various developmental editors (usually published authors that do editing on the side) that I finally understood why my manuscripts were falling short with agents, and eventually found my road to publication.
Usually, when speculators see a rise in silver prices, they take a long position, and on the flip - side, will take a short position when silver prices fall.
For instance, at one point I was fighting some rebels along side Codsworth, and since Codsworth loves to get deep into the fight he usually has a tendency to get right in front of me whenever I am about to shoot or hit something, meaning I probably nudged him in the back a few times too many, anyway, long story short, Codsworth flipped out on me and started attacking me.
In short, buyers choosing an iPhone 5s today are pretty much being told the same message that the market, especially on the Android side, have been telling users: those who want a smaller phone usually don't want a powerful one either.
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