Sentences with phrase «usually share its findings with»

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The study found that between 1993 and 2000, the number of babies 7 months old or younger who usually shared a bed with an adult grew from 5.5 percent to 12.8 percent.
I have found it tricky this week to share just a few posts with you as there has been so many beautiful posts out there so, this weeks Best Bits has a few more links than I usually share.
Undeniably, it can understand that different individuals is moved by different motives in trying to engage in dating but usually it is to find a companion which shares the same or common interest with the other.
Usually if you are below 40 years old, it is very difficult to find someone with whom you can share your life till the end.
In these websites, it can also be easy to find a partner to love because both men and women share the same interests, such as motorcycles, and are usually compatible with each other.
Many of the pets we share our homes with are fairly easy to feed — as long as you take the time and effort to do a little research, you can usually find high - quality kibble, wet food, or dried mixes that will meet all of the daily dietary needs of your cat, dog, hamster, or bird.
These elements share the space with any number of materials not usually associated with painting like coffee grounds, spices, tea, or rosemary, combined with found items from the studio that include newspaper clippings, leaves, and string.
Our goal at slaw is usually to help you find information as efficiently as possible, integrate it into your life and work, and share it with the right people.
While sharing can initially be difficult, people usually find that they have many commonalities and begin to feel less alone and find support and tools for dealing with life challenges.
Usually newer bloggers will reciprocate and share comments on your blog too so I encourage you to find a group of pals to interact with and maybe build each other up a little bit so it isn't as lonely!
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