Sentences with phrase «usually symptoms of our pain»

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Alcoholics who are obviously in need of medical attention, who have the «shakes» or other withdrawal symptoms, and those who say that they feel «sick» (Mr. B., for example) will usually not resist seeing a physician to get relief from their pain.
While the symptoms of mastitis can be very similar to a clog, the pain, heat, and swelling are usually more intense.
Common ear infection symptoms can include ear pain, fever, fussiness, tugging on the ears, ear drainage, all of which are usually accompanied by a cold.
Usually, these symptoms disappear after a few days without any sort of treatment but in the meantime the pain can be excruciating and even increase the risk of mastitis, an infection that results from bacteria in a clogged milk duct.
Symptoms include apparent abdominal pain, gassiness, a distended belly, irritability, and long, inconsolable bouts of crying, usually starting in the early evening and lasting for hours.
The initial diagnosis of GER is usually made simply upon the parents» description of symptoms such as frequent crying, irritability, appearance of pain, poor sleep, arching back, spitting - up, chronic sinus congestion, or frequent ear infections.
Symptoms of Pelvic Girdle Pain in pregnancy PGP usually causes aches and pains in the general pelvic area.
Usually if tackled at the onset of first symptom, the breast can be relieved without unnecessary antibiotics, trips to the clinic, and severe pain.
Pregnant mothers will usually have certain symptoms during the initial stages of pregnancy apart from back pain.
Nipple pain is usually a symptom of a shallow latch, which you can adjust to eliminate the pain.
'' He listed the dicease's symptoms to include severe headache, fever, back pains among others.According to him, «most worrisome of all the signs are rashes bigger than those caused by chicken pox, which is usually frightening and usually spread to the whole body of infected persons.
The symptoms — jaundice, weight loss and pain — often develop late in the course of the disease, usually too late for effective treatment with surgery.
It usually causes no symptoms until middle or older age but as narrowing and hardening of the arteries accelerates, they choke blood flow, causing pain and other serious cardiovascular complications.
People infected by one type usually develop mild flu - like symptoms although severe muscle and joint pain is common; however, if subsequently bitten by a mosquito carrying another of the four types, the second exposure can lead to serious illness and death.
While the classic early sign of Lyme is a telltale «bull's - eye» rash, one of the later symptoms (usually appearing weeks or months after a tick bite) is arthritis and joint pain in the knees and other large joints.
Patients of fibromyalgia should also avoid taking alcohol in the evening because alcohol usually affects the quality of their sleep which further worsens the symptoms such as pain and fatigue.
Symptoms of a calf strain can vary significantly but usually involve a sudden sharp pain at the back of the lower leg.
The most common symptom of a heart attack is chest pain, usually described as crushing, squeezing, pressing, heavy, stabbing, or burning.
Chronic pain is usually treated as a symptom instead of a disease in and of itself.
A characteristic symptom is the sudden, shooting pain after a movement we're not used to, usually a combination of frontbend, sidebend and rotation.
Symptoms of sacroiliac joint dysfunction include: Pain in the lower back, (usually only on one side), hip pain, discomfort with bending over or standing after sitting for long periods, improvement in pain when lying down.
Coughing is usually the first symptom of congestive heart failure along with lethargy and a loss of appetite; the yelping and falling back may be due to pain from numerous causes.
Pets may not show the same symptoms of pain as people do; they usually do not whine or cry, but you can be sure they feel it.
Pets may not show the same symptoms of pain as people do; they usually don't whine or cry but you can be sure they feel pain.
Although evidence of pain when eating is often a symptom of feline dental disease, it is usually one of the last symptoms.
Radiation therapy is usually combined with pain medications and is generally effective in reducing symptoms relatively quickly in the majority of dogs and without significant side effects.
However, surgery is usually a last resort for cases of canine arthritis, as the consequences of surgery can include pain and other debilitating symptoms that are associated with the disorder.
Tularemia is usually presents with fever, enlarged lymph nodes, abdominal pain and jaundice (yellowing of the skin, white of eyes and mucous membranes); if you see any of these symptoms visit an emergency Veterinarian immediately regardless of cost.
Symptoms are usually mild and include fever, avoidance of food (anorexia), depression, coughing, nasal discharge, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, joint or muscle pain and fluid build up in the face or limbs.
Spinal cord, back and neck injuries are usually categorized by the degree of pain, the location of that pain, and whether there are any other symptoms present.
Sexual addiction is usually a symptom of deeply rooted issues and emotional pain, often making it very hard to form and keep healthy relationships.
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