Sentences with word «uterus»

The term "uterus" refers to a part of the female reproductive system. It is a muscular organ where a baby can grow during pregnancy. Full definition
This is due to its high vitamin and mineral content, which helps balance hormones and strengthens the walls of uterus and the general pelvic area.
Each puppy has a placenta which in uterus provided its nourishment from the dam.
The overall goal is to support a healthy normal functioning uterus for a lifetime!
Sleeping on the back is harmful as uterus presses spinal cord along with other major blood vessels which result in back pain.
We're born, actually in our mom's uterus with the most eggs we're ever going to have, which is about five to six million.
This hormone, on the other hand, causes uterus contractions and might lead to a miscarriage.
A normal uterus does not usually show up on an x-ray.
These larvae are introduced to the developing puppy either through the mother's milk or in the mother's uterus before being born.
A woman's uterus expands to 500 times its normal size during pregnancy.
It is quite likely that the dam will come down with an infected uterus after such a puppy.
This x-ray shows an enlarged uterus in the abdomen.
It will help to prevent certain types of diseases and conditions, some of which could be potentially fatal (like infected uterus in female dogs).
By using a wedge under the growing uterus at night, the mother can avoid the overwhelming majority of round ligament pain during the day.
Your bladder is not accustomed to the feeling of the growing uterus pushing into it, more and more every day as it expands.
As a rule, a baby inside the mother's uterus starts moving in the evenings, when the body of the mother is more relaxed.
Can feel your rock - hard uterus about three inches below your belly button (especially when you lie on your back).
During pregnancy uterus puts pressure on the major blood vessel responsible for returning blood from the legs to the heart.
During pregnancy, the growing uterus stretches the muscles in the abdomen.
A closer look at the molecular biology of the pregnant uterus reveals yet more lines of defense.
For acute use (meaning using them to get rid of menstrual pain, etc), apply directly over uterus, abdomen, lower back.
The mother needs to have a very healthy uterus and soft and clear birthing passages.
A woman who is carrying twins or multiple babies will have a larger uterus than the average pregnant woman.
When your baby is born, she leaves behind an empty uterus — and it takes approximately six weeks for this organ to shrink back to its normal size.
As far as the question goes regarding the irritable uterus, there is a natural way to put it.
Some women report that having a tipped uterus actually makes childbirth easier, but this is not scientifically proven and is probably slightly unlikely.
A heavy uterus pushes the veins inside the pelvis, and limits the blood flow from the legs.
In other words, mind your own business and your own uterus.
When I actually went into labor at 37 weeks the contractions were similar but wrapped from low uterus all the way to my back, as described in this article.
She only provides a host uterus for the baby but does not contribute genetic material.
In your second trimester, your growing uterus gradually rises up out of your pelvis.
This procedure helps to identify the motor activity of the fetus, his heart rate, as well as the tone of the maternal uterus.
The doctor may remove the whole uterus or just part of it, depending on the issue.
In the majority of cases, a «backwards uterus» is genetic (meaning that it's something that you are born with).
There's something about a good looking man interacting with babies and children that makes a woman's uterus skip a beat.
Of those, 3 percent are likely to conceive one child per uterus.
A woman who has to wear maternity clothes during the first trimester or whose uterus measures much further along than she actually is might be expecting more than one baby.
Oh, and once a woman has a baby or two with her new uterus, the organ has to be removed.
Mostly, horns of uterus are 4 — 6 inches in length with a diameter of 0.5 - 1 inch.
This infant care method makes your baby feel secure and comfortable similar to how they felt while in uterus.
As uterus is not spacious enough anymore, the baby will bump into everything it can find inside.
However, women's uterus doesn't listen to this hormone (because the amount is very small) until mother is 37 weeks pregnant.
These embryos are put back into the female partner's uterus after three to five days in the incubator, with the hope that they will then grow into a baby.
Later in the pregnancy, frequent bathroom breaks are often caused by an enlarged uterus (and the rapidly growing baby inside) putting pressure on the bladder.
Your expanding uterus puts pressure on your stomach, causing the contents of your meals to come back up while you sleep.
An emergency surgery was performed to remove her infected uterus.
I am in exactly the same boat with my enormous 5 month pregnant uterus.
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