Sentences with phrase «uterus after conception»

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A few days after conception, the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tubes and settles in your uterus.
It happens six to 12 days after conception, when a fertilized egg burrows deep into the lining of your uterus, causing a bit of mild irritation.
At this time — around 4 weeks after the last menstrual period (LMP) or 2 weeks after conception — the zygote that formed after fertilisation has travelled down the fallopian tube towards the uterus.
Conception occurs two weeks after your menstruation and the fertilized egg that travels from the fallopian tubes to the uterus is called a zygote.
Additionally, a growing uterus — yes, even as early as two weeks after conception — will begin to put some pressure on the mother's bladder, leaving less available space for urine thus bringing forth more frequent trips to the ladies room.
One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is light spotting which is caused by the fertilized egg attaching itself to the uterus wall after conception.
«Human male embryos need to get rid of this tissue typically between 7 to 10 weeks after conception or else they will develop a uterus
The developing embryos move from the oviducts into the uterus 6 to 10 days after conception and implant or attach to the uterine walls 17 to 21 days after fertilization.
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