Sentences with phrase «utility consumption»

Rather, the project is looking at whole systems and using the information to create a complete picture of utility consumption and carbon consequences.
She then worked with attorneys to add utility consumption disclosure language to the lease agreements.
What it does: Provides tools that help building owners, managers and developers manage utility consumption
Office Properties: Reducing utility consumption in tenant space.
In all our equipment and solution development, Tetra Pak focuses on minimizing utilities consumption and reducing the product losses generated by the process.
It just got rated an «E» on the efficiency on a scale that runs from A to F based on just released utility consumption.
Established and trained all employees on an energy conservation program, monitoring its performance and making recommendations on systems and procedures that reduced utility consumption by 22 %
Being able to accurately measure utility consumption will support Energy Benchmarking, Expense Management, Energy Procurement, Energy Efficiency upgrades such as LED Lights andcompliance with Local Laws 87 & 88.
Provides tools that help building owners, managers and developers manage utility consumption
A number of Canadian startups are focused on servicing the needs of business exclusively: Vancouver - based software developer Bit Stew Systems Inc. partnered with B.C. Hydro to build a program that constantly monitors data emitted by the two million home smart meters in the province; and New Brunswick - based RtTech Systems» platform monitors and gives «asset utilization and utilities consumption
«In an intelligent building a range of systems will be integrated to improve the efficiency of the building's operations, particularly its utility consumption, and to improve the occupants» enjoyment of the accommodation.
They found that human needs, such as employment, utility consumption and housing, correspond directly with the population: As the number of people doubles so does the need for housing, jobs and electricity infrastructure, which encompasses the number of roads, gasoline stations and the like already in place and does not necessarily keep pace with individual growth — the ratio of user to facility simply rises.
As opposed to vacation rentals or short - term rentals, for medium term or long term rentals the utility consumption (gas, electricity etc.) is not included.
Over the last 3 years, I have been actively involved in managing established company benchmarks, which included customer satisfaction, utility consumption and management of line of business relationships.
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