Sentences with phrase «utopian ideas about»

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As with all utopian ideas, there is much to admire about it, at least in the abstract, but the reality is far grittier.
I think early Christians invented that as a scary - sounding disclaimer because they were always talking about how utopian heaven is and how much life on earth sucks, so they didn't want anyone getting any ideas.
The most utopian talk about an attack on the asymmetries of power that blight British society; some are even picking up the idea of equality of capabilities, drawn from the philosophy of Amartya Sen, pursued by James Purnell and Liam Byrne.
Melnikov later elaborated his ideas about the curative value of slumber in his «Sleep Laboratory,» proposed as a component of his utopian Green City.
It is about how culture — objects, languages, ideas, utopian dreams — endure across centuries, although sometimes only in the form of fragments or ruins or memories.
Never utopian in his ideas about the value of art, he once said in a radio broadcast, «I say if you have to choose between life and happiness or art, remember always to choose life and happiness.
Mae (Harry Potter and Beauty and the Beast star Emma Watson), an impressionable young woman in a dead - end cubicle job, gets hired as a customer service rep at The Circle, an immense Google - like company with seemingly utopian, progressive ideas about how technology can drive human connection.
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