Sentences with phrase «utter nonsense by»

«Many a scientist, six feet underground, would suffer all the agonies of the supposedly damned if he could come forth today and read some of his own dogmatic remarks, long since reduced to utter nonsense by new findings.»
Complete and utter nonsense by someone projecting, ignorantly, his own opinions on ancient culture.

Not exact matches

Evolution is complete and utter nonsense meant for consumption by delusional God - deniers.
==== you then made this utter nonsense claim, which was refuted in two manners, first showing that there has been minimal Christian violence, second showing that your «for any god» statement is utter nonsense as there is significant violence by Muslims.
(I am sorry for you have suffered in your upbringing by not being allowed to get an operation and such, which is utter nonsense, of course.
You want to argue the USA should be liable to the universal community — that is one thing ------ but to claim that for the Christian faith is utter nonsense — and sooo not biblical — but worldly by any standard.
The nonsense uttered by Nani and Evra was worth a serious punishment on the field of play by defeating them.
Nick Clegg has been accused of undermining the police service in Yorkshire by using «emotive language» and uttering «nonsense».
You have strong words for the intelligent design folks, for example, describing one claim by their advocate Michael Behe (that an intelligent designer «made the first cell, already containing all of the irreducibly complex biochemical systems») as «utter nonsense
By the way, the notion that e-book sales are declining is utter nonsense, and based merely on numbers from the biggest publishers, who due to their pricing policies are receiving a steadily decreasing portion of book sales.
He references this AMEG nonsense, presents it as valid science (although it is the furthest thing from), grossly exaggerates articles to make a point, and claims utter nonsense (6 °C by 2050, more than 100 % more than any credible institution predicts under any scenario) and never backs up his claims with numbers (especially his feedbacks, apart from the AMEG / methane stuff).
Truthfully I'm stunned and depressed by the vicious outpouring of utter nonsense from you and Michael regarding J.C..
The «skeptics / deniers» have a field day with utter nonsense such as the paper that is the topic of the current discussion, and science is not well served by those who support such specious claptrap.
Or is throwing away scarce resources on complete and utter nonsense to be greatly admired and even emulated by populations with demonstrably more sanity?
This is utter nonsense of the sort promulgated by Kommissars.
It shows that summer temperatures have stayed almost constant during last 350 years, or to be more accurate rose by less than 0.1 C / century (rose from 15.1 C to 15.45 C) It shows that winter temperatures have risen during the same period rose by nearly 0.4 C / century (rose from 3.05 C to 4.35 C) It is more than clear that these changes have nothing to do with CO2, and that Gavin Schmidt (and his sorry band of cataclysmates) are advocating utter nonsense.
Obviously, it is utter nonsense to mitigate «it would have been nice» even further by arguing that «practice and academia can provide commentary before the Court has another go».
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