Sentences with phrase «utterances not»

Wisdom literature represents, then, the utterance not of priest nor of prophet, but of wise man.

Not exact matches

«Any time you look at any kind of real life piece of text or utterance that one human wrote or said to another human, it's filled with analogies, modal logic, belief, expectation, fear, nested modals, lots of variables and quantifiers,» Lenat said.
Plan on not only having developers on the project, but user experience and / or copy people to help generate the utterances.
And in any event, many market participants, commentators, journalists and so on are not that interested in the nuance and conditionality that usually surround central bankers» careful utterances.
You folks have not been made to look «ludicrous» by the Obama administration or CNN... you do this from your own utterances.
The roots of that utterance were Barthian, but the conclusions Bonhoeffer drew from it were not.
His word, the utterance of a thinking Mind and a deliberate Will, illuminates the dark abyss of nothingness, and calls into being things that are not.
I was merely attempting to acknowledge that every utterance and every act of the early Church is not consistent with what I will insist was a widespread spirit of openness toward alien thinkers.
There are two aspects to the Sunnah: legislation given by the Prophet on matters not specifically detailed in the Qur» an, and traditions based on the actions and utterances of Muhammad as a human being.
Al - Wahhab and his followers set out to purify Islamic society by cleansing it of all Muslim practices not in keeping with the Qur» an, the very utterances of Allah.
When later tradition interprets Moses as a performing prophet, as a prophet whose primary medium is not utterance, but action, we wonder if this may not reflect typo - logical characterization at least in part; the tendency, that is, to see in Moses and Samuel a common «type,» playing similarly vigorous, creative historical roles.
The young theologian named Frenzel amassed a remarkable amount of sources and argued that the indissolubility of marriage was not contained in scripture, nor in the utterances of the Fathers nor the councils and could therefore not be regarded a dogma.
If this is an authentic utterance of Jesus, it was probably not spoken at the last supper but, as in Matthew, at some earlier time before Jesus knew that one of the twelve would betray him.
Intellectuals as such have no particular responsibility to take time away from what they know best to immerse themselves in the intricacies of political life and thought, but absent such immersion they would do well not to give public utterance to their ignorance.
If you have «miracles» on the menu and prophetic utterances (i.e. competing with the psychic hotlines and HDTV), personal growth (read gospel flavoured new age narcissism) and groovy music it gives you an edge over the poor guy next door (read your competition — i.e. the small potatoes pastor who has even less than you) and you will drive a better car and be considered a man of G - d but only if you are successful (i.e. attract crowds) otherwise you are a loser whether you have a shepherd's heart or not.
Leff pointed out that it is not we who define God's utterances as unquestionably true, in the manner that we define a triangle as a three - sided plane figure.
The combination of the poetic form in which many of Jesus» sayings were cast, the vitality of his utterance, and the wonder and marvel of his deeds had caused these teachings and stories to be repeated over and over, not only privately, but also in the services and instruction of the churches.
Emotional utterances do not have to be nonsensical.
The pastoral utterance of judgmental words may or may not be relevant to this end, and certainly is not relevant if the context appears to be rejection or misunderstanding.
A lot of preaching consists of sort of giving the symbolic words, the doctrinal utterances, but not conveying what they really mean.
It is not the tree which causes an utterance of «tree», nor the hot stove which causes a person to say «The stove is hot».
Utterances of these expressions are clearly not causal effects of the objects or the states of affairs they represent.
It represents the message drawn from scripture, not the utterance that conveys that message — and that message, Luther insisted, whether drawn from the Old Testament or the New, always points to Christ crucified.
(I say this in spite of the monistic utterances of many mind - cure writers; for these utterances are really inconsistent with their attitude towards disease, and can easily be shown not to be logically involved in the experiences of union with a higher Presence with which they connect themselves.
An «explanation» of religion need not be ruled out just because it does not take religion at face value or keep to the first - order utterances of the believer.
The latter is not part of the meaning of the utterance but has to do with its influence on people.
Not even the thousand tongues of Methodist hymnody could have given utterance to the avalanche of thoughts and feelings that erupted in me
The Witnesses» faith taught that such salutes and utterances were forbidden idolatry, directly condemned in the Decalogue, and that they did not owe the United States either their allegiance and loyalty or their efforts to come to its defense.
In «Myth and Truth» he maintains that the truth of mythical utterances can be shown only by restating them in nonmythical terms.113 Yet adequately to demythologize Christian myths will require not just any nonmythological language but one, such as process philosophy provides, which can do justice to the biblical view of God.
While obviously not all our political leaders have been churchmen or students of the Bible, its words and its spirit breathe through the great political utterances of our heritage from Washington and Jefferson through Daniel Webster and Abraham Lincoln and to the «four freedoms» of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
But even in that list of divine judgments there are some that can not be disposed of so lightly; and this utterance about God's care of the Philistines and Syrians serves to corroborate what one may deduce there.
The words of Agur the son of Jakeh, the prophetic utterance, the oracle of a mere man, Le'ithiel: Indeed I am a subhuman brute; I have not the intelligence of a man.
Still, there can be no question that the greatest utterances of the Fourth Gospel are authentic utterances, that is, utterances of Christ — but they are the utterances of Christ not simply as remembered but as known still.
I did not write them any more than I wrote Science and Health» (showing, says the reporter of the utterances) that both came to her through revelation.21
The point of this is that the entire orbit of the utterance is the creation of the gospel; what can be experientially confirmed does not reach the dimension of the ecology of the faith.
Early in Faith and Order inquiries it became apparent that formal comparative examination of the confessional and other utterances of the churches was not adequate for a responsible understanding either of what these churches affirmed in common or asserted in difference.
The degree to which the waning authority of the lectionary has enabled the Protestant clergy to exercise so bland a selectivity within the corpus of New Testament utterances is a matter I observe but do not dilate upon.
But Oakeshott saw that not to detect a man's style «is to have missed three quarters of the meaning of his actions and utterances; and not to have acquired a style is to have shut oneself off from the ability to convey any but the crudest meanings.»
A person can disguise the hidden evil in his intentions (perhaps even without being completely aware of it himself) in his verbalizations and utterances, but he can not hide or disguise the spirit behind his utterances, and if it is the Spirit of Christ speaking to the sinner, it can never be disguised or hidden.
So the utterance of the augur is not intelligible only to the hero but to all, and no private relationship to the deity results from it.
If he could say this by virtue of human calculation, Iphigenia would surely understand him, but from that it would follow that Agamemnon had not made the infinite movement of resignation, and so he is not a hero, and so the utterance of the seer is a sea - captain's tale and the whole occurrence a vaudeville.
This approach would call foul on all sorts of things: Moses wielding a sword but not a staff; Moses being chatty but Aaron having almost no lines; Moses killing lots of people and fighting in the Egyptian army; no «staff - to - snake» scene; no repeated utterances of «let my people go»; no «baby Moses in the Nile» scene; and every other deviation the film takes from the narrative in Exodus 1 - 14.
There are many reasons why this has happened; this is no place to discuss them, but among others we may mention scientific constructions, psychological discoveries, awareness of sociological conditions, and all that Bonhoeffer summed up in saying that man has «come of age» (by which he did not mean that man is an entirely mature and adult creature who now can take the place of God, in a fashion not unlike the claim made by the Provost of King's in his recent utterances; but he did mean that we now know our own responsibility and that God treats us, not like slaves nor like little children, but like sons to whom He entrusts such responsibility).
But Whitehead also said that the world and God are not identical; and I should interpret this utterance, along with others by him, to mean that there is in the divine life an exhaustibility which makes possible the wonderful novelty which the created order manifests, disclosing what Gerard Manley Hopkins named «the dearest freshness deep down things».
If this saying is an authentic utterance of Jesus», I can see no honest way to escape the unwelcome conclusion that he expected the full, final, indubitable establishment of God's sovereign power within the lifetime of his contemporaries; and it did not happen.
There we concluded that the statement is not an authentic utterance of Jesus.
This new text in part is the old text, and in part is the imaginative construction of the preacher which did not exist until the moment of utterance by the preacher.
Responsibility for the original, basic — oral — form of the present prophetic writings came to be fixed upon these disciples who cherished, preserved, and «edited» the utterances of the master, not only during the prophet's lifetime, but for an extended period of time after his death.
So it is not just that to be is to be known, but also that to be significant (as an utterance) or possible (as the extralinguistic referent of an utterance) is to be so for some conceivable knower.
David Ray Griffin writes, «Because of the nonoverridable creativity of the creatures, God can not unilaterally determine the utterances of any voice, the writing of any book, the thought processes of any mind» (VPT 50, italics added).
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