Sentences with phrase «vacation money on»

One time, he spent our family vacation money on a new car.

Not exact matches

Not only do you have money, time, sex, work, family, kids, vacations, etc., but then on top of those basics you also have money for the company, time for the company, your individual relationships with the company.
If it's too late and you've already blown your budget on hotel / airfare before the vacation has even started, there are lots of ways to save money once you reach your destination.
It's probably the biggest sum of money you have ever had, and you immediately think of all the things you could do with that money: pay off debt, build up savings, go on vacation, buy a BMW, get a rare dog breed.
We felt that everyone should have the opportunity to take a nice vacation without constantly worrying about how much money they're spending while on vacation.
Studies show that Americans are increasingly choosing to spend money on technology and experiences like vacations over apparel.
Read More: How to Save Money When You Can't Unplug on an Overseas Vacation
«It's a lot of money to shell out for a phone,» said Roberts, a Briton who was purchasing the phone while on vacation.
If the prospect of working remotely from the comfort of your home, and saving enough money to afford an extra vacation or a down payment on that new car looks appealing, Amazon, Apple, Dell, and IBM (among other Fortune 500 companies below) are currently hiring remote workers.
That you make lots of money, that it's always a lot of fun, and when you're not touring, you're always on vacation.
It has a «dramatically» large user base — it had 260 million unique visitors in Q4 — and those users spend money on the site through direct hotel bookings, vacation rentals, click advertising and more.
After bills, you may find yourself compelled to use up the rest on some Boxing Day sales, but if you have the willpower to sustain those ideas, you'll walk away with extra money you can use for emergencies or reinvesting in your business when you return from your vacation.
«I could go on vacation every month with this kind of money
That is indeed expensive for middle class households who might prefer to spend that money on a summer vacation.
About 3 percent of students plan to use student loan money to fund vacations and another 3 percent will spend it on alcohol or drugs.
Some oil workers have resorted to working odd jobs on the side, taking vacation to work abroad, or even selling their work uniforms - red overalls - for money to eat.
With the nation's political future still uncertain, vacation homebuyers are leery of the economy to put money down on a discretionary purchase.
You could use that money on savings, a vacation, retirement, whatever you want!
I could have been spending money on big toys, lavish vacations, expensive meals out or even taking out million dollar loans to buy expensive real estate.
Here are eight money mistakes people make on vacation — and how to avoid them on your next... Read more
Don't become a miser in your old age, where you are too conservative when it comes to spending money or going on vacations.
She needs money to pay medical bills and would like to go on a vacation to enjoy the remainder of her life as much as she can.
Rather than spending your refund on electronics or a vacation, consider depositing that money straight into your retirement fund.
Travel credit cards are the leading way to help you save money on vacations.
People were buying things like crazy, where did all the money go... we take a look at the leadership's homes, their cars, the schools they sent their children to and where they went on vacation.
We must also challenge the presumption in ourselves that if we earn enough money we have the right — some probably feel it a middle class duty — to provide ourselves with a large house, new car, nice furniture, more new clothes, vacations trips, TV, appliances, the newest electronic gadgets, and so on ad clutterum.
When the price of a new suit will immunize a thousand children, when the money we would spend on a new television or a fancier vacation would feed a starving village for a week, when the down payment on a new car would dig a new well and provide new life and hope — do we have this right?
Bibles in every motel room God on our money Prayer before public events Christian cable networks 24/7 Discounts on insurance for being christian Churches every 6 blocks in every city over 100,000 Laws that prevent non-christians from holding public office Christian bookstores in every town over 12,000 God in the Pledge of Allegiance Televangelists 24/7 Christian billboards along the highway advertising Vacation Bible School and «Repent or go to He.ll» Federally recognized christian holiday Radioevangelists 24/7 Religious organizations are tax free 75 % of the population claims to be christian National day of prayer God in the National Anthem Weekday christian education for elementary students.
Bibles in every motel room God on our money Moments of silence (prayer) before public events Christian cable networks 24/7 Discounts on insurance for being christian Churches every 6 blocks in every city over 100,000 Christian bookstores in every town over 12,000 God in The Pledge of Allegiance Televangelists 24/7 Christian billboards along the highway advertising Vacation Brainwashing School (VBS) for your children Federally recognized Christian holiday Radioeveangelists 24/7 Religious organizations are tax free 75 % of the population claims to be Christian National day of prayer God in the National Anthem
I'm using the extra money on my vacation houses.
Often, it falls back on the hearer to not allow themselves to be controlled or manipulated, at least to an extent where it is unhealthy for them... and each one of us has to discover where that line is for ourselves (I'm still learning to say «no, I can't do that» and I'm still learning to not put more money in the offering plate because the pastor told us he's preached 47 Sundays in a row without a vacation).
Anyone willing to donate some money to send me off on a looong vacation?
If I save enough money (by not going on vacations) to send my kids to college, why should others be rewarded for having children they can't afford — by my paying more taxes and welfare for them?
Sometimes I collaborate on projects with others, sometimes I just focus on my own projects (writing cookbooks, etc)... In both scenarios I've always done my best to save money (and vacations days) for travel.
We are finishing up a little vacation right now and to help save money I purchased prepackaged food so we could eat on the go.
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how you fed your kid, whether you used a stroller or an ergo, if you went on a nice vacation because you had extra money from cloth diapering, or if you used time outs or natural consequences.
The unchlorinated and unkept pools were once a telltale sign someone was on vacation, but now they are often caused by foreclosures or an effort to save money.
However, I've now got a number of trips with them under my belt, and I've leaned ways to save money on vacation.
However, adult kids might not appreciate spending every night on vacation in the same room as their adult siblings and parents, so don't think that putting everyone in the same room to save money is a good idea!
And considering the money we saved on a crib rental, we'd do it again, assuming that we find ourselves in a similar situation, i.e. the hotel or vacation rental that we're staying at doesn't rent out cribs.
We're here to help with strategies for saving money on childcare, food, baby gear, taxes and monthly bills, parties and vacations, and more.
You could take a lovely vacation with the amount of money you spend on diapers when you have twins.
How much planning and effort and excitement and money do you put into taking your family on a Disney vacation?
For example, if you have a family member who is jealous of your family vacations and makes rude comments about how much money you spend on your vacations you can reflect on her life situation.
I have my proof of purchase they would not refund the product due to us not having the box of which i explained i had no ideal this stroller was a waste of my money until i had the chance to use it on vacation.
This week on Mom Talk Radio, Shellie Bailey - Shah, editor of, shares 5 ways to save money on your spring break vacation.
You don't want to drop a ton of money on a second stroller you use for quick errands or for those special vacation travel plans.
Rewards credit cards can be an incredibly useful tool to save money on your family's vacations.
On Monday, Orland Park's Village Board will go into a private, executive session to determine what vacation and time or money the village owes Smithberg, McLaughlin said.
Zimet raises money from the people who want to build the water park, diverts $ 3,000 to her and her husband, takes off on vacation and no one is suppose worry about that?
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