Sentences with phrase «vaccine injection»

Cats are unique in their high susceptibility to tumors at vaccine injection sites.
It can occur spontaneously in cats who have not received vaccines; however, an increased frequency of this type of tumor has been observed at vaccine injection sites.
After vaccine injection, the ferret should be monitored for 20 to 30 minutes by your veterinarian.
In a bid to treat the lesions and prevent cervical cancer, they received three vaccine injections in the upper arm over an eight - week period.
About 0.5 - 6.5 cases / 10, 000 cats will develop this tumor at the site of a past vaccine injection.
These vaccines are an excellent way to avoid the dangers of vaccine injection.
The study found that vaccine injection induced a MAGE - 3 specific T cell and antibody response.
Our first Cocker Spaniel, Brandy Noel, developed a cancerous mast cell tumor at the site of yearly vaccine injection.
Allergen Specific Immunotherapy: This involves giving an allergy vaccine injection that is made up specifically for your pet, usually for the lifetime of the animal.
(ref) When a human or an animal is again exposed to whatever that long - ago vaccine injection or infectious agent was, these memory cells rapidly stimulate the production of new protective antibodies.
«Reports of a sarcoma (a cancerous mass arising from bone, cartilage, fat or muscle) developing at the site of vaccine injection sites in some animals have led to the suspicion of a link between the vaccine and a disposition in some animals to this type of reaction,» reports PetMD.
Research from Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey shows that the «first in human» series of vaccine injections given directly into a pancreatic cancer tumor is not only well tolerated, but also suggests an «encouraging» period of stable disease.
If your baby was recently immunized, the site of the vaccine injection may be a bit sore, and his refusal to nurse could stem from the way he's positioned at the breast.
However, mice given the vaccine injections survived, on average, about 30 % longer, dying after approximately 260 days.
Vaccine injections are expensive; they require syringes, needles, and usually refrigeration; and they must be delivered by trained health care professionals.
By longitudinal analysis blood samples retrieved from persons who have received the Ebola vaccine, the researchers could show that a group of cytokines measured in plasma within seven days of the vaccine injection correlates with antibody responses developed six months later.
This aim was achieved by the vaccine, which appeared to have few «off - target» effects, causing only flu - like symptoms, fatigue, rashes, and irritation at the site of the vaccine injection, according to the report.
Did you hear about how sometimes certain vaccines can cause a cat to grow a cancer tumor at the vaccine injection site?
Implantation is quick, easy and virtually painless — similar to a vaccine injection — and can be performed during a regular clinic visit.
The process is similar to a vaccine injection and only takes a few seconds.
Very rarely, and in cats in particular, a vaccine injection can cause a tumor to develop.
The vaccine injection itself is typically not painful.
They receive 2 vaccine injections.
After the vaccine injection, your ferret may be monitored for 20 to 30 minutes by our team in the treatment area.
Rather than see my pet stay in bed and be sick for 2 - 3 days due to a vaccine injection, titers would appear the way to go and be money well spent.
Likewise, while links between external cancer - causing agents — such as environmental carcinogens, exposure to sunlight, viruses, and vaccine injections — have been established in relation to various other forms of feline cancer, these factors do not appear relevant to the onset of mammary cancer in cats.
«One to 10 cats out of every 10,000 vaccinated against infectious diseases develop cancer at the vaccine injection site,» said Julie Levy, the Maddie's ® Professor of Shelter Medicine at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine.
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