Sentences with phrase «vacuum packaged by»

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Vacuum packaging machines work by removing the air in a bag prior to sealing.
From there, a customer can create a simple but high - performing automated package by just adding our wet / dry vacuum
Tyvek ® material has exceptional burst strength and tear resistance — even the tremendous stress created by vacuum packaging equipment generally won't break a bag made of Tyvek ®.
Here, they will show portions of fresh, clean foodstuffs that have a longer shelf life thanks to vacuum or modified atmosphere packaging technology or heat treated cooked food whose expiry date is extended by weeks, months and even years.
The cardboard box came in a close second, followed by re-sealable zips and vacuum packaging.
Winners in the food and beverage category included Optys: a 100 % decorated bottle manufactured on - site, using no label or sleeve developed by Coveris Rigid France and Serac; Sealed Air (France) Cryovac Sealappeal PSF zal peelable shrink film and Sealed Air (Germany) Cryovac oven ease barrier vacuum packaging.
Darfresh vacuum skin packaging has been refreshed by Sealed Air Cryovac Food Packaging with «Darfresh on Tray» ppackaging has been refreshed by Sealed Air Cryovac Food Packaging with «Darfresh on Tray» pPackaging with «Darfresh on Tray» packagingpackaging.
Replacement of oxygen with sugar solution or inert gas, consuming the oxygen by glucose - oxidase and / or the use of vacuum and oxygen - impermeable films are some of the methods currently employed for packaging frozen fruits.
NAC was responsible for the design, fabrication and delivery of specialized packaging containers and equipment to clean, canisterize, and stabilize (by vacuum drying and thermal conditioning) 8,000 spent fuel rods from the research reactor in Nyongbyon, North Korea.
I buy the pre-ground (vacuum sealed) packages made by Spectrum Naturals and store them in the freezer to add to my smoothies.
Schumacher Chemical Company, Carlsbad • CA 1994 — 1998 Research Technician II Performed synthesis of Copper precursor, purification (by vacuum, Oldershaw, and Wipe Film Still Distillations) and packaging of Dopants and Dielectrics.
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