Sentences with word «vaginal»

The word "vaginal" refers to something that is related to or occurring in the vagina, which is a part of the female reproductive system. Full definition
He recalled a time earlier in his career when many hospitals began scaling back offerings of vaginal birth after an earlier C - section in the mid to late 1990s.
Women who give birth via vaginal delivery are sometimes revered as the mamas who have the truly ~ special ~ births and birth stories.
It is possible to have a C - section instead of vaginal delivery if your baby is in distress.
Even after a C - section, many women are still eligible for vaginal birth for their next child.
Keeping clean and dry down there can help prevent some of the unpleasant odors that can possibly go along with vaginal discharge during pregnancy.
Although your baby is safe to swim, to avoid infection, mum should wait until around 6 weeks or 7 days after vaginal bleeding after birth stops.
If you're getting cord compression, then trying to progress with vaginal delivery is likely to just make it worse and risks harming the baby.
It is one of the most popular treatments for vaginal infection as it is made from pure organic herbs which give positive results without any kind of side effect.
One possible cause of vaginal mesh erosion is that manufacturers may not have conducted the necessary clinical trials to test the safety of the mesh material for use in the pelvic area.
In the process of becoming a newborn, the fetus picks up bacteria from the mother's vaginal canal.
A swift kick from your baby's foot or elbow earlier on in pregnancy can also cause sharp pains in the pelvic and vaginal area.
Stress is also a common cause of vaginal yeast infections because it causes hormonal imbalances.
This was followed by those declining vaginal readings through my reading yesterday.
Besides, you don't necessarily need to indulge in oral, anal or vaginal sex in order to get infected.
The hormonal dip causes vaginal tissue to be thin and dry, hence the burning and soreness.
Sometimes infants can come in contact with it for the first time during vaginal delivery but it goes away with treatment.
If you experience any pain or other red flags — such as vaginal bleeding, decreased fetal movement or contractions — during prenatal yoga, stop and contact your health care provider.
Is she basically saying, that short of actually dying in the process, every complication possible from vaginal birth is acceptable if you can avoid a CS?
Every women experiences vaginal discharge at various points throughout her menstrual cycle.
If your caregiver doesn't routinely do vaginal exams but you're near your due date and eager to know what's happening, you can certainly ask for one.
As you may know, certain types of birth control like the pill, patch, injection, and vaginal ring require a prescription.
I couldn't find any articles or videos on vaginal yeast infections - the diet / lifestyle connection.
We need to further investigate the role of a woman's vaginal microbiome in pregnancy to help ensure more babies are born healthy, and at the right time.
In the current legal climate, there is no possible justification for not doing a C - section, regardless of how tiny the risk posed by vaginal delivery may be.
And what if you accidentally pass something other than vaginal fluids?
I started vaginal steaming after hearing about it just this past year, and all it took was just a couple of steaming sessions for me to see a difference in my period.
What are some causes of normal vaginal bleeding during pregnancy?
This helps promote normal vaginal flora and a healthy microbial environment.
We already know the virus can be transmitted through vaginal sex.
You can also check out our other reviews on our select three probiotics for vaginal health.
She may be able to decrease any discomfort by taking slow, deep breaths and relaxing her stomach and vaginal muscles.
The length and extent of this experience means that we are fully prepared to deal with any kind of personal injury claim, including vaginal mesh claims, that you might need help filing.
Earlier in the year, a smaller study of the same vaginal gel gave a hint that it might offer modest protection, but the new results put the question to rest.
In this study, two complementary methods of evaluating the effects of vaginal bacteria were deliberately used.
Thus, we do not know if participants were only referencing vaginal intercourse here, or if they were counting other sexual activities.
This was the problem that led me to an emergency ultrasound at 14 weeks — when my constipation caused vaginal bleeding.
Everything you know about vaginal health is about to change.
First, it is really important to identify and treat the cause — that may be using vaginal estrogen, a change in medication, drinking more water, or addressing stress or depression.
The key to a natural vaginal birth occurs well before labor begins.
Conversely, there are women who choose hospital - assisted vaginal delivery but in the end, feel that their specific ideal birth plan was neither respected nor accomplished.
You may also have your guests asked to leave during certain procedures like vaginal exams or the placement of an epidural.
Also be mindful to reduce / avoid things that can negatively alter vaginal pH: sugar, refined foods & the use of antibiotics.
You may have increased vaginal discharge as your pregnancy progresses.
Taking probiotics can also support vaginal health, and these days you can buy brands geared specifically toward that.
Don't do yogurt... get vaginal health probiotics and you'll be golden.
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