Sentences with phrase «vaginal bleeding after»

A: Some causes of vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse, such as dryness due to menopause or irregular menstruation, are not serious and can be easily treated with topical hormone creams and / or contraceptives.
Whether you had a C - section or delivered vaginally, you will likely experience some vaginal bleeding after childbirth.
You may or may not experience vaginal bleeding after having a D&C or D&E.
Many women are surprised to learn that they will have vaginal bleeding after a C - section.

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In April, Martha wrote again, now from a hospital where, after bouts of vaginal bleeding, she had undergone a hysterectomy.
The bleeding is lighter than after a vaginal delivery and usually only lasts up to 6 weeks.
Vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, rapid uterine contractions, often coming one right after another: a textbook description of placental abruption.
You should also contact your caregiver if you've stopped bleeding for a number of months and then begin again, or your vaginal bleeding persists or starts to get heavier instead of lighter, particularly after the first few months.
If you have spotting after menopause, don't ignore it: «Any time you experience vaginal bleeding post-menopause, see your physician for at least a physical exam,» Dr. Andrews says.
And if youre experiencing vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain during or after intercourse, visit your doctor ASAP: You could have pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause fertility problems and is potentially life - threatening.
70 Foods are analyzed according to the five flavors71 of sour, bitter, sweet, pungent and salty, and applied as a kind of supplement for the primary energies of yin, yang, chi and blood.72 In Chinese System of Food Cures, Dr. Henry C. Lu recommends chicken for underweight, poor appetite, diarrhea, edema, frequent urination, vaginal bleeding and discharge, shortage of milk secretion after childbirth and weakness after childbirth73 — all symptoms of yin deficiency.
All new mums bleed after child - birth whether the birth was done via caesarean section or was vaginal.
After six painless months, I began to experience a recurrence of symptoms, that aforementioned nonstop vaginal bleeding in upstate New York, and migraines that kept me in bed at inconvenient hours.
Some small bleeding after surgery is usual but after around a month there should be no further bleeding; further investigation would be needed to see where the bleeding is coming from which may include an examination with a vaginal speculum to visualise the cervix and vagina vestibule.
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