Sentences with phrase «vaginal cream»

I have a vaginal yeast infection which I am being treated for with a 7 day prescription vaginal cream.
I apply vaginal cream to the area and then his normal bum cream and sprinkle mazina — his rash started on sunday and today its almost gone!
For breast pain associated with noncancerous breast disease: a typical dose of 4 grams of vaginal cream containing 2.5 % natural progesterone is placed inside the vagina from the 19th to the 25th day of a 28 - day cycle.
One favorite where I trained was called Happy Hiney which was a mixture of a zinc cream and anti-fungal women's vaginal cream like Monistat and Crotect anti-itch cream which was hydrocortisone 1 % and it was the ointment not the cream and we mix that up in equal parts it on at each diaper change.
Estriol is used in vaginal cream, especially in Europe where it's available under the brand name Ovestin.
Okay, I'm confused, just picked up my prescription from the pharmacy, progesterone 30 mg troche and estrace vaginal cream 42.5 gm.
Double - blind controlled trial of progesterone vaginal cream treatment for cyclical mastodynia in women with benign breast disease.
There are over-the-counter vaginal creams that you can use on your vulva to help calm the irritation.
The particles could serve as a powerful active ingredient in a topically - applied vaginal cream that provides immediate protection against herpes virus infection while simultaneously helping stimulate immunity to the virus for long - term protection, explained Shukla.
The vaginal creams may provide a powerful weapon against the spread of HIV.
Vaginal creams: The vagina is self - cleaning, that's why you have daily discharge, so there's no need to use any store bought cleaning products.
Vaginal creams will also come into contact with the labia, which will certainly transport hormones quickly into the blood and from there to other tissues.
for 48 hours prior to your Pap test, do not have sex, douche, or use tampons or vaginal creams, suppositories, medicines, sprays, or powders — any of these can wash away or hide cervical abnormalities, making them difficult to detect
(no intercourse, vaginal creams, douching, suppositories).
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