Sentences with phrase «vaginal exams in»

If a woman declines vaginal exams in labour, this is likely to make things a lot easier and more enjoyable for her, but have the opposite effect for her carers.
A sweep is a vaginal exam in which a health care professional will sweep their finger between the cervix and bag of waters surrounding your baby.
And so part of that is I do think doing a vaginal exam in and of itself is an intervention that can slow things down for the mom... and now I really think about why am I doing this?

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In labor, I often suggest this set of positions when labor seems to not be progressing, (i.e., contractions are not getting longer, stronger, and closer together) when the pregnant person has back labor, or the position is determined to be not LOA, either by vaginal exam or external palpation.
Then the fear and dread of the vaginal exams and the out - of - control feeling I had at the hospital came flooding in.
Besides wanting to avoid the exams and exposure of vaginal delivery, she has an extreme need to feel in control.
He proposed that some invisible disease agent was being transmitted by the doctors who were performing vaginal exams after working in the cadaver labs and without washing their hands in between.
Christine conducted a vaginal exam after M.G. got in the birth tub, and she was about 5 - 6 centimeters dilated.
Physicians vary in their screening protocol but perform some number of these tests: blood tests for various diseases, vaginal ultrasounds, hysterosalpingogram / HSG, hysteroscopy / HCG and gynecological exam.
Sometimes the only way to tell the difference is by having a vaginal exam to look for changes in your cervix that signal the onset of labor.
However, there is a myth perpetuated in our society that vaginal exams at the end of pregnancy are beneficial.
With a specialty in vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) and a focus on gentle, non-interventive, parent - directed care, there are no forced testing or exams, and no time limits for pregnancy, labor or birth for a healthy mom and baby.
You just arrived at the hospital with regular contractions every 5 minutes, the nurse puts you in the triage room and a resident shows up to do a vaginal exam.
The researchers are the first to grow human vaginal skin cells in a dish in a manner that creates surfaces that support colonization by the complex good and bad communities of bacteria collected from women during routine gynecological exams.
Reproduction Exams and Testing (Seman / Vaginal Cytology / Progesterone Tests) Diabetic Testing (including: Diabetic Curves and Insulin Management) Feline Leukemia / Feline A.I.DS Tests Full Surgical Facility Nail Clipping Nail Grinding Ear Hair Plucking Ear Cleaning Anal Gland Expression Trim paws, feet, around eyes Monitoring of Endocrine Disorders All Routine Testing Diabetes Cushing (Hyperadrenocorticism) Addisons (Hypoadrenocorticism) Thyroid (Hypo and Hyperthyroidism) Pharmacy On - Site Prescription Medications for Acute and Chronic Illnesses Prescription Diets Clients are urged to call well in advance of needing any prescription foods.
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