Sentences with phrase «vain pursuit»

But this is no reason to waste it on vain pursuits and empty pleasures.
And why proclaim anything, if its just an exercise of self - aggrandizement or other vain pursuit?
I was wondering if you could review Vain Pursuits?
My youngest just bought some skincare from online, called Vain Pursuits.
How depressing it would be to realize that you had wasted your entire life on vain pursuits.
To the Greeks we turn again and again, not in some vain pursuit of knowledge, but to illuminate how best to live.
At midnight we were back in the village, feeling much, I suppose, as the English knights felt as they gave up the vain pursuit of an enemy that struck and disappeared, then came disconsolately home, sweating and clanking in their expensive armor.
Consider the strange case of the «Blood Countess», a 16th - century Hungarian noblewoman / serial killer who bathed in the blood of her victims — 650 servant girls — in the vain pursuit of eternal youth.
Once again the pretense of Gilckehuas raises its ugly head as a delusional automotive media desperate for attention and readership bows down before the» Cult of Personality» that is Glickenhaus... who has produced nothing other than a lot of hot air and (lack of) styling exercises in the vain pursuit of shoring up his fragile, battered little ego with zero substance and even less in the way of results.
So quit allowing yourself to be» Blinded by Science» in the vain pursuit of significance in your otherwise technology addled meaningless little life..
More like wretched excess conspicuous consumption to little or no end other than boosting one's flagging ego in the vain pursuit of relevancy and meaning in one's vapid meaningless albeit money filled life.
She received B.R.A.G. Medallion awards for both Hollow and Vain Pursuits, the first two books in her Bunny Elder Christian thriller series which also includes Seadrift and... and Something Blue.
We do have financial backing, but we're not prepared to give it simply in the vain pursuit of market share.
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