Sentences with phrase «valid issues»

The real only valid issue for wind and solar is long term storage.
Privacy is just as valid an issue as competition is.
I have tons I could say on this subject, but you bring up some very valid issues.
Communication problems and misunderstanding one another is still valid issues that need to be addressed, no matter what age.
By this point, it is often too late to stop them progressing, even when valid issues are raised.
I think this is an extremely valid issue to raise as I know, for example, many school librarians I work with wonder what this means about the books on their shelves.
Instead, they should be focused on strong and valid issues affecting the child's welfare.
These days there are many more people making money FROM writers than there are writers making money from writing, so you bring up a very valid issue.
I post valid issues and you decide to delete my comments while leaving up an admitted tolls.
The Court has left open the possibility of prior disciplinary problems of consortium members, and arrangements within a consortium, constituting valid issues to be addressed on a carriage motion.
In particular, letter addresses the use of downside risk and potential review of uncontested prior decisions as a scare tactic to discourage injured workers from pursuing valid issues.
Sampson brought up multiple valid issues, like the ability to have simultaneously paired BlueTooth connections, read emails and accomplish more on long commutes, and contrasted the general sorry state of current infotainment systems.
She brought yup valid issues and showed productive ways to work / communicate with one another to improve or create a healthy environment.
Although many of McCabe's arguments and conclusions appear idiosyncratic today, for he was committed to a literalistic, moralistic, and perfectionistic evangelical theology, 2 his analysis of foreknowledge and contingency still raises valid issues.
The currency is a valid issue.
We think that those are valid issues.
This is a valid issue and one to pay close attention to.
I guess the aggrieved individual or pack may suspect that the questioner has raised some valid issues and without any basis other than someone expressed a doubt or belief that threatened to take them outside of their psychological comfort zone, the complaint would not be taken seriously by the offending honest lover / seeker after reality / truth.
These are all valid issues and concerns, but I think that in addition to praying for these things and then waiting for God to answer, He might want us to go and be an answer to our own prayers.
Now to the valid issue Badinter raises about mothers whose lives revolve entirely around mothering.
Fed Up has good intentions and raises valid issues, but it is almost two hours long and is so broad in its condemnation of the food industry that it's questionable whether it will find a viewership beyond the people who already agree with the producers» viewpoint, or whether it will have any impact on public policy.
These are valid issues that need discussing, and you could make a documentary on them all, individually.
«The issue of Anthony's relationships online or otherwise are between he and his wife, however the propensity for pornographic selfies is a valid issue for voters,» Liu said.
Comptroller John Liu said Weiner's «propensity for pornographic selfies is a valid issue for voters.»
In terms of affiliate marketing and network marketing you have raised a valid issue that in self publishing the writers have to do their own marketing.
Makes sense to me — I guess the obvious next question would then be what is the alternative solution to the valid issues raised by direct online publishing (adult content, difficult discovery, keyword spam)?
To be honest, I am willing to endure the slings and arrows of outrageous indie authors to bring to the worlds attention a valid issue.
These certainly are valid issues that help form the basis for a worthwhile policy discussion.
The skeptics have raised some valid issues (notably the PDO / AMO and solar); I hope that the «pause» will stimulate some systematic reconsideration of attribution arguments.
Learn how to have a dialogue that works to create solutions for everyone, not create more problems by disregarding a valid issue.
At the same time, there were valid issues that they had with the development of the parade.
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