Sentences with phrase «valid medical reason»

If there are valid medical reasons for labor induction, your health care provider will discuss with you the benefits of immediate delivery versus continuing the pregnancy for the health of your baby.
A bombed out diaper of a three year old is not something to mess with — why wait that long to train (unless of course there is a valid medical reason to wait that long)?
While all 50 states allow exemptions for children who have a valid medical reason, and almost all states allow nonmedical exemptions for parents with either religious or philosophical objections, the political climate has recently shifted in favor of making exemptions more difficult to obtain.
Unless you are a vegan or have a valid medical reason for not using whey protein, it is recommended that you use whey protein as your protein supplement of choice.
Patients do not need to be referred to the O Cannabis Clinic, but they do need to be screened to make sure they have a valid medical reason to come work with them.
If there is a valid medical reason why they are not, we must see proof of that.
It is important to note, however, that the use of any drug as a restraint or to make the lives of nursing home staff easier may be nursing home abuse or negligence, absent a valid medical reason for prescribing and administering the medication.
If the doctor has taken you out of work, he or she has a valid medical reason to do so!
Predictability and convenience are poor reasons to deliver a baby before 40 weeks unless there's a valid medical reason.
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