Sentences with phrase «valid points on»

If they have concerns, they likely have valid points on how you can improve the resume.
I know you've been busy here tonight and I think you have many valid points on the good work by many on TOBS.
Based on my experiences, he made incredibly valid points on production.
I agree that there are some valid points on this thread.
It's a great debate, and honestly I see valid points on both sides.
Gerry Sutcliffe (Lab, messy face) makes some valid points on trade unions and is met with customary disdain.
The discussion here has been very instructive and I can actually see valid points on both sides of the issue (less government vs. more government intervention) when talking about children's nutrition at school.
Valid point on the valve clearance as well - just because the engine was non-interference in stock guise doesn't mean it would be after modifying the stroke.
While this is a valid point on a Corporate stance.

Not exact matches

While you made a number of valid points, what about the factor that you do not pay taxes on the growth of your Roth IRA?
Thus, even though the setup was valid and obvious it resulted in a losing trade; the point being that you need to release your expectations of winning on every trade!
Here is a post from Libertarian News that begins, «I recently got into an argument over on the Reddit Bitcoin boards where I held the position that fractional reserve banking with Bitcoins was not possible,» which sounds fun; he recants that view but does make what I think is a very valid point:
We need to point out that we could not find valid proof that any of the brokers listed on this site are actually registered.
My apologies, i see you did nt say all the things i reference centeredpiece, but my point remains valid to you and BobtheTomato, another off base poster on here.
It doesn't make the point on which you're so laser focused any less true or valid that there are also other reasons and benefits to the manner in which we disposed of bin Laden's body.
Raiders and traders are almost inevitably uncomprehending or disdainful of one another, but Jacobs argues that from a global point of view, each system is valid on its own terms and each promotes the general welfare.
I think his observations are valid; I am not an evangelical Christian but I have, at one point or another, heard ALL of these terms and practices he describes from friends, acquaintances, and commentators on boards like this one who are «born again.»
The problem Brigitte, when you go on these long philosophical journeys, is that you show not the slightest ability to pay attention to (or even comprehend it seems) the very valid points being made by all the commenters who have attempted to reason with you.
My point being that taking a member of the set of all things Jesus never explicitly taught on and positing, if only by implication, that his silence is an endorsement of that thing is not a valid foundation for making a sound argument.
You are demonize Islam, and while many of your points is valid you conveniently forget the mass murder and suffering done by western religions (The Dark Ages, the Crusades, forcing people to pay a «fee» to be buried in a consecrated graveyard, on and on and on).
Controversy arose in Kenya because my sermons pointed out that, according to the gospel, governments based on the divine rights of kings are not valid.
However, I think my point about not using force of law to compel actions based on someone else's religious beliefs is valid, no matter who holds those beliefs.
Hello, I think there are some valid points being made on both sides of the discussion, although there seems also to be a rather ungracious, unforgiving tone.
On that last point, I made these comments which still remain valid today.
I agree with Bill Maher, but then again I'm a lifelong atheist... I have never believed for one minute that the god as portrayed in the bible or koran has any possibility of being real to everyone, otherwise that god would make itself obvious and not hide behind man made lies and cultural practices that self perpetuate thanks fo fear... otherwise there would not be several thousand man made religions trying to claim that god as their own... yes, it is an opinion, only valid to the opinion holder and no one else... Bill, thanks for so strongly making that point, not that it makes any difference to god fearing people... they will hold on to their opinion as strongly as they hold on to their shotgun, thinking that each provides them with some form of security... to intelligent people, neither is secure and neither leads to true freedom of the mind...
The general point is that most religions claim to have a monopoly on The Truth and Salvation — but since they are all predicated on unprovable, supernatural propositions, a detached, outside observer would consider them all equally (in) valid.
On the same concept of a god pulling himself out of nothingness, then there is an equal valid point that the BIG BANG started on it's owOn the same concept of a god pulling himself out of nothingness, then there is an equal valid point that the BIG BANG started on it's owon it's own.
I'm sure he's gonna put a rush on considering your very valid points.
I think you make a valid point that Christian believers may combine scriptures on our own, without necessarily being aware of how various Jewish commentators have viewed their scriptures over the years.
bostontola — You can insult me all you want, but if you use that energy to focus on addressing the holes in your position, you'd have a better chance of making a valid point.
Your points of view on all of them are valid.
Whether or not you find this position, one held for centuries by countless Christians (church fathers, saints, and regular Christian folk like me), to be valid, I trust that we can peacefully disagree on theological points and affirm others like the Triune God (albeit there are differences here as well — Athanasian Creed, anyone?)
I am afraid this person has raised valid points, Jeremy has brought this on himself.
I realize there is a lot of controversy on this issue, and both sides make valid points.
You make a valid point there Mr Jonestown but the point I was trying to make is this, RA ttnds the game on a weekly basis he invests in the club Ive no doubt that he is get healthy return in some form or another and perhaps it is way of writing off certain monies et al..
Because unless you are someone that has his pulse on the heartbeat of «city schools», your view point isn't valid.
For example I gave up 81 +116 +137 for # 62 which equals out to 284 draft points on both sides making it a valid trade.
In all honesty the job was done we went away to united and got a point a valid point I am delighted Its games like that that we need to make a point we marsh on the unit gets stronger on to Wednesday where we pick it up where we left from and move up with it
Don't frankly know enough about Van Dijk as a person other than seeing him on the field to draw a fair conclusion on that point, but yeah if that is not a valid concern then he is definitely quality!
12th man, you make some very valid points, what do us fans care about the costs, we want arsenal to buy the players we need and get on and win the PL as a starter.
My point was that we have articles on Arsene Wenger where you can discuss his faults or praises, saying that you want to «moonwalk on Wenger's head» is not a valid contribution to any discussion about football whatsoever.
I do nt really understand why Kev ia on here as he is always moaning and negative... Midkemma made a valid point that Sead os a left back / left - sided and was then subject to an onslaught by Kev Is there no moderation on this site?
The reality is that both AOB and AKB have valid points... at the end we won't fully know what's going on inside the club 100 % unless your a board member but most likely won't be allowed to expand yourself... that being said singling out Wenger the way it's done is simply not right... the board, the manager & the players all should share the blame for what's happening that is all and YES winning trophies when that hasn't been the case for a LT is progress... not as much as you and myself would like but it is what it is!!
Yes like we have been kicking on for the last 9 years; but you make a valid point - out of top 4 means top players leaving and good players not wanting to come here - something like Liverpool faced.
Even though you didn't always agree with the things I said on the article, you made a lot of valid points.
The biggest question for Jackson was whether he could maintain last season's three - point clip, and while his shoulder may be a valid excuse for his inconsistent early - season shooting, the numbers (44 % overall, 10 — 40 from three) certainly cast doubt on his eventual offensive impact.The talent has always been there, but the feel is a bit questionable.
If he had been on the right side, there never would've been a shot, so that's not a valid point.
If only you would ever bring on a valid point, but as you never do, it seems that you're incapable of doing that....
That speaks loudly for itself, shame Woodley is a great champion and a great MMA analyst, you people are letting your hatred cloud your judgments and in turn miss out on some excellent valid MMA points.
During the week Rasp wondered if he would have as much an effect when Nasri and Cesc are on the field at the same time, now this is a very, very valid point but isn't it nice to know that someone else is just as well equipped to do the job when they are not there?
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