Sentences with phrase «valid research information»

They've both politely asked them to look at the whole picture and consider valid research information.

Not exact matches

So many of you have argued very well for co-sleeping and I think your points are very valid and obviously backed up by a lot of good research and information.
One of his responsibilities involved research on how to extract information from people during interrogation and how to determine whether the information is valid.
Whitehurst rightly insisted, again and again, that valid information on the impact of an educational intervention can only be obtained through experimental research, most preferably by using a randomized field trial (RFT).
Drawing on her neurology expertise and classroom experience, author Judy Willis examined decades of learning - centered brain research to determine what information was most valid and relevant for educators.
Staff members will help the student identify valid research resources and appropriate methods for gathering and organizing information about the topic.
In today's data - overload and «research findings du jour» world, it's more critical than ever to ensure that your school has access to valid and reliable information as well as the resources necessary to build a healthier school environment for students, staff and families.
Only these metrics, the staff said, would meet four criteria needed for a valid measurement: the information is currently collected, consistently defined, can be broken down by school and subgroup and is backed by research.
Your concerns are valid, and they highlight the importance of researching information for yourself before deciding on your preferred market.
I have also included earlier research reports so that readers will be able to discern for themselves changes, updates and progress that is being made regarding EPI and to be able to recognize non-current or no longer valid information they may happen upon.
The Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association (VBMA) is a «group of veterinarians and herbalists dedicated to developing responsible herbal practice by encouraging research and education, strengthening industry relations, keeping herbal tradition alive as a valid information source, and increasing professional acceptance of herbal medicine for animals.»
Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association (VBMA) is a «group of veterinarians and herbalists dedicated to developing responsible herbal practice by encouraging research and education, strengthening industry relations, keeping herbal tradition alive as a valid information source, and increasing professional acceptance of herbal medicine for animals.»
If The New York Times thinks that it has valid research that actually supports, credibly, the conclusion that more (valid, informed, accurate, well - communicated, etc.) information actually doesn't and wouldn't budge the public's understanding of global warming, or the public's concern for global warming, I'd ask that such research be posted or linked, so we can all review it.
Moreover, modern students will better grasp the structure of legal research if the process itself is described as fluid and flexible.81 Because they did not grow up using books (for legal research, or for anything else), they have no print framework for research to begin with.82 So, as a threshold matter, it is quite unlikely that they need to «see it first in print» in order to understand the complex web of legal information that they confront electronically.83 And because they are accustomed to receiving an array of information contemporaneously, a linear model is unlikely to resonate sufficiently that they will internalize it as a valid means of navigating the process.84 Instead, a broad and flexible paradigm is a better fit.
The following are examples of valid compound authorizations: an authorization for the disclosure of information created for clinical research combined with a consent for the use or disclosure of other protected health information to carry out treatment, payment, and health care operations, and the informed consent to participate in the clinical research; an authorization for disclosure of psychotherapy notes for both treatment and research purposes; and an authorization for the disclosure of the individual's demographic information for both marketing and fundraising purposes.
My research has put me in a position to advise our clients on the complex and often controversial topic of bringing valid claims to receive information as well as to implement adequate protection mechanisms.
Collected information to assist in performing detailed research to determine if fraud claim is valid
In many ways, each step of the research process strives to eliminate potential «biases» (or systematic problems in the methods) in order to provide the most accurate and valid information possible.
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