Sentences with phrase «valid science»

It's a clever strategy, really: endorsing bogus claims as valid science without having to defend them as such.
It is clear that these standards are not based on valid science or data, but instead on data created by the very groups pushing the common core standards.
Never in the history of the world has so much been spent on the basis of so little valid science.
That then allows people to believe that a view on obese people warming the planet is at least on a par with fact and can be perceived as valid science.
USGCRP did not perform the conditions precedent for valid science as cited in that language.
We have valid science working the Big Bang back to a few femtoseconds after the expansion started.
If all one is interested in is perusing a range of points of view, whether backed up by valid science or not, it's a reasonable source.
A week - and - a-half later came another op - ed, this one in the Baltimore Sun and penned by American Bird Conservancy president George Fenwick, who, like Temple, endorsed the Smithsonian / USFWS paper as valid science rather than the PR scam it truly is.
Kahan and others note that climate scientists are ignoring valid science themselves.
Second, the CIC has never proven that this hypothesis is valid science even though they are the ones arguing for huge public expenditures to implement their desired policies.
What is missed in this «entire discussion» is that the «Kyoto remediations» are not dealing with a «real & existent» problem process, i.e. there is not a valid «carbon - climate» link made in valid SCIENCE.
I'm just an econ undergrad student, but it's my impression from my own instruction, and from friends» and family's work, that reproducibility is a crucial element for valid science in ANY field.
Under the scientific method, for example, the so - called «consensus» so strongly advocated by the Climate - Industrial Complex (CIC) should have absolutely no role in determining science — only results derived by using the scientific method, the basis for evaluating what is and is not valid science.
Like Higgins» column, «Baby Catbird Survival» is a Trojan Horse: unsubstantiated — and, potentially, highly damaging — claims «wrapped up» as valid science.
I seriously doubt you understand science or even basic math, since what you post is so easily shredded, they do not have valid math, nor any valid science, and misrepresent science and twist logic.
Porter, noting that many had been «shocked» by the news, asked if it was «valid science
This mirrors the peer review process that should occur before any valid science research is published in the real world.
There is no sign of a market failure that might justify government intervention now that the climate argument has been shown not to be based on valid science.
Valid SCIENCE will readily allow Gas (and Coal) processes as fuel for such purposes, and I have been warning of this Uranium outcome for years, NOW however is when «it is happening».
Valid science is based on correspondence with observations of the natural world, not consensus anyway.
'' «Many scientists have disavowed past climate change research,» McKinley said, and he's waiting for valid science to convince him there's a problem and whether man is to blame.»
Two types of pseudoscience There are two types of pseudoscience, distinguishable by the following assumptions: 1) Valid science is indicated by consensus 2) Valid science is obvious The first tends to be associated with people who are politically liberal.
Is this so that your mediocre climate school can adjust it's message to convince more of us that AGW is a valid science?
There is as much junk science on the internet as there is valid science.
There is some debate in the research community about whether birth order is a valid science, but there are some general statements that can be made about people based upon their birth order.
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