Sentences with phrase «validated by miners»

Then she sends the transaction to the blockchain and waits for it to be validated by miners.
At the time of termination, the latest form of the balance sheet is sent to the blockchain and its authenticity validated by miners.

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It's maintained by a network of «miners» whose computers perform the calculations that validate each transaction, preventing double - spending.
With PoS, instead of miners validating transactions via the solving of mathematical problems, transactions are validated by «stakers,» «forgers,» or «validators,» who place their coins and tokens in a specialized wallet to validate transactions, and are determined by their wealth or stake in the network.
Blockchains are maintained by «miners» who then validate and record the transactions to maintain transparency and accuracy as cryptocurrency changes hands across various transactions.
As I understand bitcoin transactions are validated by bitcoin miners, and their incentive to participate in this validation is that they get rewarded with bitcoins.
ETH is mined in the same way Bitcoin is, where miners earn Ether by validating and storing transactions carried out throughout the ETH platform itself.
Bitcoin miners are rewarded for validating transactions by getting paid in newly created coins.
As with other decentralized cryptographic tokens based on Ethereum and similar protocols, CTKs are susceptible to attacks by miners in the course of validating CTK transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, including, but not limited, to double - spend attacks, majority mining power attacks, and selfish - mining attacks.
Once the block is full, bitcoin miners compete against each other to verify and validate the block and all its transactions by solving a complex cryptographic problem.
These blocks containing Bitcoin transaction are confirmed / validated by Bitcoin miners.
1 / Connect your Ledger device 2 / Enter your PIN code 3 / Open the Bitcoin app on your Nano S (right click) 4 / Launch your Bitcoin Chrome application on your computer 5 / Click on «Send», a popup opens 6 / Fill in the required fields: amount, recipient address you can paste or scan, level of fees 7 / Click on the «Send» button 8 / Your Nano S requires your manual consent to authenticate this transaction: press the right button (above the «V» check icon) to confirm once you have verified the details of your transaction are right and wait until your Chrome app displays «validated» 9 / Your transaction is validated and will be tracked on the Blockchain as soon as it is confirmed by miners in accordance with Bitcoin protocol.
PoS is a different way to validate transactions based and achieve the distributed consensus and it by a miner putting up a stake, or locking up an amount of their coins, to verify a block of transactions.
Validators (miners) of the blockchain should be incentivized with ability to earn cryptographic tokens by validating blocks.
Transactions are verified on the leger by» miners,» which are nodes of computers that validate and process transactions on the blockchain.
The version bits system is a way to introduce soft forks to Bitcoin by allowing miners to signal that they are ready to validate the soft - fork rules.
By contributing to the Zcash network, miners can earn rewards by devoting computing power to validating transactions on the Zcash blockchaiBy contributing to the Zcash network, miners can earn rewards by devoting computing power to validating transactions on the Zcash blockchaiby devoting computing power to validating transactions on the Zcash blockchain.
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