Sentences with phrase «validator in»

Served as lead validator in clinical team environment: created and maintained validation notebook, participated in quality assurance (QA) charts and data review, interacted with team members and company clients, validated tracking forms and collected documentation from all support programmers.
Once the project has been formally approved by the validator in accordance with the standard, it is publicly listed on a carbon registry website.
The validators in TheKey ecosystem are the government and other large entities.
As there are only up to 250 validators in Casper, the above scenario is entirely possible.

Not exact matches

Blockchain will be used as a trusted validator for verifying official credentials by one of the most prominent medical NGOs in the US.
In Casper, however, if an honest validator mines on the blue chain then they would get reward proportionate to their bet, however, a malicious miner will get their stake slashed off for betting on the red chain.
However, if a validator acts in a malicious manner and tries to do a «nothing at stake», they will immediately be reprimanded, and all of their stake is going to get slashed.
With PoS, instead of miners validating transactions via the solving of mathematical problems, transactions are validated by «stakers,» «forgers,» or «validators,» who place their coins and tokens in a specialized wallet to validate transactions, and are determined by their wealth or stake in the network.
Of the 3 billion CLIN tokens minted, 600 million will be reserved in the community rewards pool, rewarding users and validators for taking part in and confirming healthy activities.
This cryptocurrency complies with regulatory authorities with a KYC (Know Your Customer) approach, and a hardware device called the validator, which is the enabler for customers to withdraw funds from their accounts in a highly secure environment.
the validator, which is the enabler for customers to withdraw funds from their accounts in a highly secure environment.
The document differentiates between public and permissioned blockchain platforms, noting that those systems operating with permissioned protocols «do not necessarily involve a virtual currency that may serve as the economic incentive for miner or validator participation in public networks.»
The current validators present in the XRP protocol include:
The progressive validators were for a purpose: Cuomo is lobbying for the W.F.P.'s endorsement later this month, and pointedly promised during his speech to push for a public campaign finance system — the party's biggest priority at the moment — before the Legislature adjourns in June.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo brought a major liberal validator with him to a breakfast meeting of the New York delegation in Philadelphia on Tuesday: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Long and her validators cast her as an outsider in the style of Trump, and Republicans willing to make an on - record claim that she has a path to victory said it would be as part of his wave of populist, anti-establishment support.
After another Jeffries broadside last month, at least one well - connected Democratic aide wondered to the Observer: Where are the mayor's validators, especially in the overwhelmingly black neighborhoods which buoyed him in 2013 and sit firmly in Mr. Jeffries» Brooklyn district?
States that want to help parents become more savvy education consumers should consider contracting with third - party validators who can provide parents better information about their children's schools, and also about other resources that are available to families through organizations like Communities in Schools, which works to develop partnerships between schools and other student service providers in the local area.
For validator machines that are used in many secondary schools to charge pre-pay cards with funds to use on schools vending machines, the process of upgrading the coin mechanism will be very similar.
Amy has since completed countless classroom observations through work as a peer validator evaluating practices in Newark and New Haven schools, and in providing embedded, ongoing support for instructional leaders and teachers in the areas of high quality observation, feedback, and teaching and learning across Connecticut.
New Haven introduced the use of outside observers — called «third - party validators» there — in 2010 as part of a new teachers» contract.
Although iBooks doesn't seem to actually use it at present, Apple's upload validator requires fixed - layout books to include a starting location of the type «text» or «bodymatter» in the guide.
In order for NaNoWriMo to accept your word count you need to cut and paste your manuscript into their word - count validator.
I highly recommend anyone with an OPDS catalog in production or in development to check their feeds with the validator to ensure their full compliance with the OPDS 1.1 specification.
We've fixed a long - standing limitation in the online EPUB validator that prevented files with non-ASCII characters from being validated.
I now skip that step and use their built in validator.
Unfortunately there hasn't been a newer «official» build of the validator since 1.0.3, so that is what is in use on the validation site still.
Among Pre-Boomers, Boomers and Gen X investors, just 26 %, in aggregate, consider themselves «validators»; 63 % «collaborators»; and 11 % «delegators.»
Next head over the Twitter Card validator site and sign in with your Twitter account credentials.
Only when the project has been formally approved by the validator, in accordance with the standard, is it publicly listed on a carbon registry website.
In the case of Greensburg and Laurelbrook, we selected First Environment as the validator to review the projects» PDDs under VCS.
Documentation for all of the models exists (clearly for the NCAR and ECMWF models); some documentation is much better than others, and for those models that are run in house only, the documentation may not be especially simple for independent validators to try to sort through.
I've tried to make it convenient: • LexUM version of 2011 SCC 7 in validator • CanLII version of 2011 SCC 7 in validator
Casper relies having more than 2/3 of validators to behave honestly to achieve a non-conflicting canonical chain, with a risk of the chain getting stuck without consensus when the number of malfunctioning or misbehaving validators rises above 1/3, compared to needing more than 1/2 of the computing power in PoW systems to maliciously affect the chain (i.e. lower threshold for fault tolerance) 5.
[59] In contrast to public blockchain networks, validators on private blockchain networks are vetted by the network owner.
However, with the PoS protocol, the blockchain keeps a record of «validators» who maintain a stake in the blockchain's currency.
The tangle uses some of blockchain's foundational concepts but allows every user to be a validator, which is faster than having the transactions wait in a metaphorical line for miners.
At issue was the idea that transaction validators on the Ethereum network have arguably more control over operations than in bitcoin, a criticism members of the project addressed.
According to the white paper, which hasn't been formalized, 50 percent of the total 100 million «IQ» tokens will be distributed in an initial coin offering (ICO) and 30 percent will be «minted» over 100 years to pay out editors and validators for their work.
Like an army of independent accountants and auditors all auditing the same ledger, the vision of bitcoin is to have many thousands of independent block validators to be participating in keeping the system honest.
Much of the value of the bitcoin blockchain is that it is a large network where validators, like the cameras in the analogy, reach a consensus that they witnessed the same thing at the same time.
In bitcoin, participants are the validators of the transactions and creators of blocks.
In an earlier interview with CoinDesk, Ripple CTO Stefan Thomas went as far as to contend XRP will be «more decentralized» than bitcoin in the future as they add more validators and flesh out the technologIn an earlier interview with CoinDesk, Ripple CTO Stefan Thomas went as far as to contend XRP will be «more decentralized» than bitcoin in the future as they add more validators and flesh out the technologin the future as they add more validators and flesh out the technology.
However, with a more centralised or trusted blockchain network, you can make decisions by using a trusted, or senior validator to arbitrate in these cases.
«Stellar instead uses a decentralized mechanism in which each validator chooses what are called quorum slices,» the spokesperson said in an email.
The OpenST utility chains also extend the established ETH gas market to pay for transaction fees, but the utility chains can run at lower cost because Mosaic validators can operate in a collaborative environment guarded by Ethereum's adversarial Proof - of - Work.
It has taken care to build in incentives for existing service providers, validators and users to get on board fast.
Validators can continue to set their own fees in CVC, and service providers can keep deciding for themselves whether they can save money with CVC instead of sticking with their existing providers.
In a proof of stake (PoS) network, every validator owns a portion of the network.
By contrast, in private blockchains, blocks tend to be signed by one or more permitted validators, using an appropriate scheme to prevent minority control.
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