Sentences with phrase «valuable access»

Karen and Felicia built a workbook and four - plus hours of coaching seminars (The Parenting Plan Workbook Video Series), which provide valuable access to the mechanics behind writing a strong, child - centered parenting plan.
While the USDA report calls this move an «elevation» of the program, NAR is concerned that it will undermine the importance of these programs, which provide valuable access to housing financing in rural communities.
«And when you factor in the long - term benefits and add in all the extra services - such as specialists, escalation points, strategy, knowledge, background support, sickness cover and valuable access to best practice from other schools they support - you're not only getting more value for money but you're helping to future - proof your school.
«Our investors were impressed with how we have developed a game series that fits so well with the world famous IP and with our cooperation with BBC Worldwide, which will grant us valuable access to promote the game in all of the BBC's Top Gear channels».
Jessie has also been the recipient of the State Library of Victoria — Creative Fellowship Award 2016 and the National Library of Australia — Folk Fellowship Award 2017, providing valuable access and resources into researching the oral history and other hidden gems in the archives.
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