Sentences with phrase «valuable clues»

"Valuable clues" refers to important pieces of information or evidence that can help solve a problem, mystery, or puzzle. These clues are significant and hold worth in finding answers or reaching a conclusion. Full definition
Employers will often provide valuable clues about what skills they are looking for within the job description itself.
In this way, it remains virtually pristine and could hold valuable clues about the origins of the universe.
It's very important to read the signals contained in your dog's poop, because they can provide valuable clues as to just what's going on internally with your pet.
It describes how planetary patterns at the time of our birth give valuable clues in helping us understand our life's journey.
The secondary markets provide valuable clues for the primary market as to where deals should be priced, whether equity or debt.
It could hold valuable clues to improving the health of people in industrial nations, where more than 50 percent of the population is at moderate to high risk of heart disease.
Although no bigger than a grain of sand, it contains valuable clues to when and how our planet took shape.
Use your Hidden Object skills to explore a mysterious world, and discover valuable clues.
Understanding why people made the decision not to open an email or stay on your website can provide valuable clues.
That could offer valuable clues as to when a lake beneath a glacier will fill and breach or overtop its walls, possibly giving downstream communities time to evacuate or take protective measures in advance of a looming rush of water.
It may be that future historians will find valuable clues to twentieth - century mores in the photographs.
Closely reading your prospective employer's job listing can provide you with valuable clues as to how you should phrase the content of your CV.
For that reason, it may possess valuable clues for U.S. investigators.
In this improved version, the anchor text is far more relevant, giving Google valuable clues about what the link leads to — in other words, what the page we want to rank in the SERPs is about.
These traditions, such as the resurrection narratives and the opening chapters of Acts, certainly give us some very valuable clues concerning the rise of the Easter faith, but each of these has to be examined and evaluated before it can be used in constructing even a skeleton history in the events immediately following the death of Jesus.
Now scientists have mined valuable clues about the onset of plate tectonics from tiny mineral grains in more than 4,000 diamonds that formed 80 to 110 miles (125 to 175 kilometers) deep in the Earth's mantle layer.
By understanding what carnivores eat in the wild, you will learn valuable clues as to what you should be feeding your domestic pup and kitten.
Although we're not expecting the Galaxy S8 to hit until some time after Mobile World Congress, there's already plenty of unconfirmed info floating around online, including valuable clues about what the GS8 will look like and the technology lurking within.
Perusing the job posting can yield valuable clues as to what a particular employer considers most impressive.
The latter furnishes one of the most valuable clues for our time.
However, they also provide valuable clues for technical applications which, conversely, rely on quick and highly controllable heat dissipation.
Using data from a 3053 - meter - long core of ice and bedrock collected from the center of the island in 1993, Schaefer's team has found valuable clues to what the period held.
Jim Cramer says teenagers» habits can provide valuable clues on the hottest trends in the market.
Now nearly ubiquitous around the world, the offspring of these first - domesticated chickens are providing modern researchers with valuable clues to ancient agricultural and trade contacts.
At least two bursts of technical data from the missing Malaysia Airlines jet were broadcast and could hold valuable clues, New Scientist has learned
There is no doubt that the TED spread sometimes gives valuable clues about the state of the financial system.
The observation could also provide valuable clues about how scientists might look for other neutron star mergers in optical surveys without a LIGO / VIRGO detection.
This fault also shows up in surface - wave maps, but the spatial resolution of the body - wave velocity map was much higher, and revealed new information about the velocity of seismic waves traveling through the fault's surrounding rocks, which in turn provides valuable clues about their composition and organization.
But what we're really looking for is the relative strength line to rally to new highs ahead of the price, which would offer a valuable clue that the stock is quite strong.
The insights of geniuses or of moments of high illumination may of course be valuable clues to the significance of the more generally enjoyed experiences which define the religious consciousness.
A PATIENT who can not read fear on other people's faces has given researchers a valuable clue to how the human brain processes emotions.
People with synesthesia — whose senses blend together — are providing valuable clues to understanding the organization and functions of the brain
The study «fills a gap in the fossil record with an extremely well - preserved specimen» and may provide valuable clues about a species that has been «virtually ignored by zoologists,» adds Jason Dunlop, curator for arachnids at the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt - Universität in Berlin, Germany.
But a seemingly harmless — and nearly ubiquitous — virus may provide a valuable clue.
Meanwhile, the worm sequencer results are already providing valuable clues to researchers.
The creatures that met their sticky ends in this fossilised tree resin can provide valuable clues about ancient life.
Mantis shrimp that perceived an opponent's UV reflectance as low were more willing to fight and to escalate contests more quickly, suggesting that the spot enhances the threat display and provides valuable clues about an opponent's level of aggression.
Eckberg says the work in space gave valuable clues; the astronauts developed this abnormality within two days of being in space.
It's been a mystery for a long time, but a new species of tyrannosaur from Uzbekistan — a smaller and earlier cousin of T. rex — provides some valuable clues.
«But we show that the insects offer some the most valuable clues for our ongoing efforts to reconstruct Los Angeles's prehistoric environment.»
We analyze a sample of 1194 stars drawn from the California Planet Survey targets to determine the empirical functional form describing the likelihood of a star harboring a giant plane... ▽ More Correlations between stellar properties and the occurrence rate of exoplanets can be used to inform the target selection of future planet search efforts and provide valuable clues about the planet formation process.
Abstract: Correlations between stellar properties and the occurrence rate of exoplanets can be used to inform the target selection of future planet search efforts and provide valuable clues about the planet formation process.
Such fluctuations can provide valuable clues to how stars gobble up gas and dust as they grow and mature.
«The pulsar's parameters give us valuable clues about how a system like this could have formed,» Swiggum said, in the statement.
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