Sentences with phrase «valuable principles of»

I experienced first - hand the many benefits of Summer Camp (greater independence, growing confidence, a sense of belonging, valuable principles of community living, a very real connection to the natural world and lifelong memories) and it continues to be a huge part of my life almost 45 years later.
Religious individuals and groups should respect and honor the valuable principle of pluralism, the essence of which is not that all values are equal, but that our society is one in which any number can play, and that a multiplicity of views contributes not to chaos, but to a rich and diverse republic.
The value of trying to falsify predictions remains a valuable principle of scientific progress in my books — especially if can be done without bias and prejudice (quite a lot that we could discuss).

Not exact matches

But some of the principles behind the Teachers team's approach could be just as valuable to someone managing a college - savings kitty or a 401 (k).
Gibney also explained how the fund's investment in Facebook stacked up against its principle of backing entrepreneurs doing valuable work.
The principles presented in Small Business, BIG Vision are valuable in and of themselves, and they are delivered in an easy - to - understand, direct format that helps the reader fully absorb the information, so he or she can implement it in their business right away.
At this time, we're not gonna go into what Pai's motives may have been but it has been reported that the NRA, which has been lobbying for the repeal of these regulations has now honored him with a valuable handmade Kentucky long gun as a prize for the part he played «standing up under pressure with grace, dignity and principled discipline»
The Bible is the greatest and most valuable book every written, and many of the greatest people of history attribute their greatness to the principles and truths taught within the Bible.
It is true, as the Pope affirms, that democracy is uniquely valuable because it embodies more fully than any alternative system the principle of the fundamental moral equality of citizens.
Arkes is particularly valuable in his exploration of the limited use of philosophy as he discusses the moral principles that necessarily underlie many of the most important constitutional decisions.
Harrison also unfolds Augustine's insightful contribution to the science — religion debate, drawing out a number of valuable principles — not least, recommending restraint where issues are not clear, and avoiding bringing Christianity into contempt by arguing for false scientific opinions on the supposed grounds of scriptural warrant.
What does this mean except that, having been led by the idea of complexity to consider the Earth one of the vital points of the Universe, we find ourselves compelled, following the same principle, to recognize in Man the most advanced, and therefore the most valuable, of all the planetary elements?
Speculative theologies, such as process theology's reflections on the religious suggestiveness of A. N. Whitehead's categoreal scheme, are based largely on loyalty to universal principles, and deem these valuable precisely because they are not particular.
Western culture may be compared to a lake fed by the stream of Hellenism, Christianity, science, and these contributions might offer an extremely valuable way of considering the conceptions of a life of reason, the principle of an ordered and intelligible world, the ideas of faith, of a personal God, of the absolute value of the human individual, the method of observation and experiment, and the conception of empirical laws, as well as the doctrines of equality and of the brotherhood of man.
«Chris is a dedicated and valuable member of my team, and while he will be missed, his talents are needed to help Assemblywoman Corwin bring her common sense approach and fiscally conservative principles to Washington, DC to represent the residents of New York's 26th Congressional District,» Collins said.
A brand new science for studying this networked phenomenon, and in effect it's kind of a reverse engineering the World Wide Web that we know and the kinds of networks that we see on that to try to figure out how they took shape and maybe from that we can learn what principles involve and how networks do grow and you might be able to use that sort of thing to be able to develop a better system s for example being able to create more efficient networks and that could be very valuable in industry, there may be a lot of practical applications, involving protecting privacy, for example, and stopping people from stealing identities; and you should, you know, should be of just an interesting phenomenon.
While SLIPS was an important advance, it was also «a proof of principle» — the first step toward a commercially valuable technology, said lead author Nicolas Vogel, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow in applied physics at Harvard SEAS.
«Since epalrestat is already on the market and has no major adverse side effects, our study provides a proof of principle that it could become a valuable targeted drug for the clinical treatment of basal - like breast cancer,» Dong says.
«Yoga for Children is a valuable resource for parents of children from toddler to preteen who want to introduce their children not only to asanas, but to a whole healthy lifestyle based on yoga's principles
We have searched the web for the most valuable and interesting articles of week # 50 2017 Strength Training Articles Breaking Muscle shared The Ultimate Guide To Muscle Gain And Hypertrophy from the underlying physiology over training principles to -LSB-...]
Persistence and staying true to your principles are valuable traits for everyone, regardless of whether they are from a slum or the home of a millionaire.
Taking time to understand these principles and embed them into your decision making processes and management of CPD, will ensure that you avoid wasting valuable time and financial resource on opportunities that are unlikely to improve student outcomes, and focus instead on providing effective, sustainable support to all staff.
«To be able to do that in partnership, to have some guiding principles, but to allow room for innovation and customization — which really is a unique part of how Paul has designed this initiative — that is what has made it so valuable
Blended learning helps learners review and digest information online, in advance of a face - to - face meeting, making live sessions more valuable and interactive, while allowing for a deeper discussion of the principles, data and research presented.
Her combination of legal experience and background in education provides Kristen with valuable and unique insights when applying legal principles to a school district's daily operations.
Unlike with lesson plan sampling, there was «broad agreement in principle that this is an attractive safeguard», and Ofqual believes this option gives awarding organisations a «potentially valuable safeguard which would permit the use of teachers in developing even the most high - stakes assessments».
With that in mind, and after listening to the needs of our members over the last year, our new version is focused on three core principles: Building Community, creating a Hub for Authors Online and providing valuable Author Tools.
A few of the images in it give away some left - leaning political bias, but the chapters full of general principles and the specific debate tactics used successfully by the author are extraordinarily valuable to anyone with a point of view they want to verify and defend.
As zero to negative interest rates take hold around the world, many of the principles we use to navigate capital markets become increasingly less valuable (Brightman, 2016).
As such, it is often very valuable to look back in history and study closely the principles that have guided the investment decisions of some of the best minds and practitioners in this field through both good and bad markets.
This was all great and valuable work, and each was a remarkable demonstration of principle, but none of them advanced our mission to bring about a time when there are no more homeless pets.
The principle philosophy of FAR is to promote the permanent registration of all fine art and valuables before theft or loss occurs, recording detailed and accurate information about each piece, thereby providing the global art trade a solution to better manage, control and market fine art while encouraging accountability, good business practices and truthful disclosure of the fine art market.
One Planet Living principle Masdar Target ZERO CARBON 100 per cent of energy supplied by renewable energy — Photovoltaics, concentrated solar power, wind, waste to energy and other technologies ZERO WASTE 99 per cent diversion of waste from landfill (includes waste reduction measures, re-use of waste wherever possible, recycling, composting, waste to energy) SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT Zero carbon emissions from transport within the city; implementation of measures to reduce the carbon cost of journeys to the city boundaries (through facilitating and encouraging the use of public transport, vehicle sharing, supporting low emissions vehicle initiatives) SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS Specifying high recycled materials content within building products; tracking and encouraging the reduction of embodied energy within material sand throughout the construction process; specifying the use of sustainable materials such as Forest Stewardship Council certified timber, bamboo and other products SUSTAINABLE FOOD Retail outlets to meet targets for supplying organic food and sustainable and or fair trade products SUSTAINABLE WATER Per capita water consumption to be at least 50 per cent less than the national average; all waste water to be re-used HABITATS AND WILDLIFE All valuable species to be conserved or relocated with positive mitigation targets CULTURE AND HERITAGE Architecture to integrate local values.
Surely some part of the «precautionary principle» advises against wasteful expenditure of valuable resources on poorly tested plans when the resources may be needed later for better plans.
The members of the NDACC Lidar Working Group (LWG) are committed to follow the principles of these protocols, and the LWG meets every two years to review and coordinate the activities necessary to the valuable contribution of the lidars to NDACC.
From an environmental perspective, the 1990 standard is the anti-thesis of the polluter pays principle as it capitalizes historic pollution into a valuable emissions right.
Modeled on natural systems, these fundamental design principles yield products that are composed of materials that biodegrade and become food for biological cycles, or of synthetic materials that stay in closed - loop technical cycles, where they continually circulate as valuable nutrients for industry.
An effective treaty can not be based on the allocation of valuable emission rights since there will be no generally agreed principle for allocation.
There is unlikely to be any generally acceptable principle for allocating valuable emission rights between rich and poor countries, making the success of the Kyoto approach a probable impossibility.
The principle of Good Enough is especially valuable for you perfectionists out there — save your painstaking eye for detail for the projects that most deserve it.
I think the depth and breadth of the law and the principle of specialization mean that it will always be valuable to employ someone who already knows rather than learning yourself.
Many of the judgments against Turkey have been leading judgments in their field, contributing valuable principles to the corpus of international human rights law in areas as diverse as torture, killings, disappearances on the one hand and freedom of expression, the banning of political parties, the destruction of villages, expropriation of property, fair trial and the death penalty on the other.
Bailey & Galyen operates on the simple but very important principle that each employee of the firm is a skilled and valuable professional.
Although not decided on the basis of the Charter, this case provides valuable insight into the necessary fault requirement for a criminal conviction, breathing new meaning into the «principles of fundamental justice» stemming from our common law tradition, and later enshrined in Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The Statement of Principles provides an opportunity to do so and is valuable if only for that reason.
Pointing to the need for full information on the application for ancillary relief, the wife's likely ignorance of the true asset position and the husband's likely disaffection, Sir Mark Potter P described the letter of request as a «valuable means by which to obtain the necessary information» and said «the court should in principle be receptive to an application by the wife in such a case».
A highly dedicated professional and a proven leader with valuable experience in clinical management within the Healthcare industry, with documented success in progressively dynamic and challenging positions with working knowledge of the principles and techniques of effective supervision.
This showcases that the applicant has enough advanced knowledge of design principles to give team members valuable feedback and assume a successful managerial position.
Investigations and Law Enforcement — Selected Duties & Responsibilities Build and implement investigations programs and security solutions to enable effective organizational administration, threat detection / elimination, conflict / issue resolution, and other critical discovery functions Utilize various technical applications, including cameras, A / V equipment, transmitters, recorders, and bugs, to generate valuable information and isolate parties responsible for criminal and civil malfeasance Create issue and security reports to enable development of new policies and procedures aimed at preventing further wrongdoing and protect valuable resources team Integrate investigative principles into corporate strategic mission, ensuring management and program accountability, proactive prevention of discrimination, case efficiency, and legal analysis Perform security and crime analyses of firm infrastructure against related compliance requirements as well as on - going vulnerability assessments to continuously mitigate risk Develop investigatory standard documents to serve as guide and rules resources to promote fair and legal probes Supervise related departmental staff, including performance plan development and assessment, technical oversight, personnel recruitment and training, staff discipline, and other pertinent functions Work as a member of the corporate incident response team in the execution of all related tasks, including incident response plan development, damage minimization, resource restoration, and firm integrity protection Communicate all issues and user feedback to members of management, law enforcement professionals, and other interested parties, generating situational reports and follow - up recommendations based on investigatory results Maintain a strong working knowledge of all software, hardware, applications, techniques, trends and other critical tools which aid in effective investigation React quickly based upon limited and confidential information, drawing upon extensive police and military experience in tense, complicated situations Collaborate in the preparation of necessary legal documents, including search and arrest warrants Assist management with various other duties as assigned
On the one hand, Gestalt field theory is highly valuable as the «organizing principle» in couple's therapy (and perhaps to integrate the entire field of psychology) but, it should be noted, it would be best served by resisting taking its subjectivity to extremes and accept the growing body of «objective» clinical knowledge that surrounds it.
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