Sentences with phrase «valuable results from»

Not exact matches

These inspiring startup founders generated highly valuable contextual link building service results from the blog.
Indeed, these more immediate benefits may ultimately prove to be more valuable than the tax deferral obtained from saving for retirement should pressures on fiscally strapped governments result in higher tax rates and reduced retirement benefits in the years ahead.
By simply having someone who is skilled in multiple areas of business take a look at your business from the outside, they are able to offer valuable advice and help that can result in increases to your business.
Smync's RoA tracking tracks results from your advocate community to an individual, community and content level through dark social to show the sales volume generated by your advocate community, how many leads were generated, what valuable content was viewed and who signed up for your emails.
As a result of the more dynamic conception of the ego derived from the work of the ego analysts, Sigmund Freud's tripartite model of personality has become more valuable as a resource for facilitating growth.
To be an EPL champion means snatching valuable results; grabbing a draw from a lose.
Despite the consequences he was forced to endure as a result of the «Curtain Call,» including losing a coveted King of the Ring tournament victory that he was scheduled to win, Levesque gained an incredibly valuable lesson from the crowd at MSG.
This reduces the chances of missing valuable information, that may result from traditional keyword searching.
With the ever - expanding knowledge resulting from current research, commercial formula clearly can not replicate all of the valuable properties that are inherent in human milk.
While open - link results will be kept separate from the statistically valid responses, these responses will none - the-less provide valuable feedback for Erie County.
But the mayor noted that seeking additional revenue from valuable property owners in Albany such as Albany Medical Center or imposing student fees at local higher - education institutions would likely result in those entities or groups clamoring for the state to either block the local efforts or pick up the costs.
The inventor of «blasting oil,» Mr. Alfred Nobel, of Hamburg, writing to the London Times relative to the same Newcastle accident, bitterly complains that the introduction of this valuable explosive, owing to the accidents resulting from gross carelessness, has been systematically opposed.
And Anglada - Escudé concludes: «These new results highlight how valuable it can be to re-analyse data in this way and combine results from different teams on different telescopes.»
The vision driving the project is that valuable ideas for the treatment of stroke patients could result from accurate predictions of synapse formation.
One of the largest obstacles to the transfer of research results into valuable goods is the uncertainty over who benefits from the economic exploitation of these results.
«The information resulting from this study will be valuable for scientists and developers working cooperatively in the mobile health domain as well as physicians and other practitioners who seek low - cost interventions to increase their patients» physical activity,» concluded Dr. Conroy.
The reviewers agree that this paper provides both the description of a major discovery of new footprints of early bipedal hominins from Laetoli, Tanzania at 3.6 MYA and a valuable analytical result concerning early hominin body size variation.
While the materials from the CFI subjects are extremely valuable and our results are statistically significant, greater numbers of subjects must be analyzed to determine whether the correlations we detected continue to hold up when more patients are studied, and whether such correlations exist within people carrying other haplogroups.
Prof. Goffeau was a highly praised mentor and published hundreds of scientific papers of which many resulted from large collaborations; he also served on journal editorial boards, organized meetings, and performed many other valuable services to the scientific community over his career.
«These new results highlight how valuable it can be to re-analyze data in this way and combine results from different teams on different telescopes,» Anglada - Escudé said.
Proposals will be evaluated by a group of specialists from around the world, headed by Professor Neal Evans from the University of Texas, USA, to select those expected to make best use of the Observatory, and which will generate the most valuable scientific results during this first phase of operation.
[pagebreak] MRIs help predict sudden cardiac death A research team from Johns Hopkins used MRI scans to determine in 2005 that the thickness of scar tissue resulting from a heart attack was an accurate predictor of the risk of sudden death from arrhythmia and could prove valuable in identifying patients in need of an implantable defibrillator or other aggressive treatment.
Maybe the most valuable result you can get from following a cleanse diet is the foundation for a new healthy lifestyle.
Neither they nor the pleasant, articulate Corman have any illusions about the producer - distributor's altruism: for comparatively little outlay, Corman stands to profit from an immediately salable result and the development of valuable talent; and the filmmakers harbor no resentment over being exploited, since they're getting a marvelous opportunity to strut their stuff — to learn their stuff, for that matter.
Moreover, the gain - score results generated from the annual testing program would provide valuable feedback to educators regarding which LD students are responding favorably to interventions tailored to the special needs of LD students and which are not (and therefore may not really be LD).
Feedback from schools revealed that, although schools sometimes found the results of the review confronting, it was valuable in identifying areas of practice requiring attention and in designing whole - school improvement plans.
Check out our Brag Board to see valuable practices and impressive results from schools across the US and find out if someone from YOUR school...
Results revealed that the project was valuable, as it provided an opportunity for students to think about science concepts from a new and deeper perspective.
It is an incredible shame that neither you nor Paul took the time to inform Connecticut lawmakers that the results from the state's test are not even valuable enough to determine which instruction is right for which students.
Last week, the most surprising quarterly results came from the world's most valuable company, Apple.
This valuable program has continued over the years as a result of generous donations from compassionate people who care about animal welfare.
Jake, curious of his new surroundings, escapes from his cage and gets into mischief resulting in a permanent injury teaching a valuable lesson to all.
The improvements vary from the dramatic to the inconsequential, but by and large, the end result is a highly valuable feature that we think Pro owners are going to love.
On her JensArt Facebook page, Vranes does all of the above, and her efforts have resulted in «valuable feedback from fans and commissions from interested clients who see the excitement and want a piece of the action,» she says.
The article focuses on a fresh promise from Brazil's president to cut the rate of destruction 72 percent by 2017, in a move seen by many to be related to efforts by some developing countries to get potentially valuable credit for avoided deforestation in whatever climate treaty results from talks next year.
«As a result of this investigation and criminal enforcement agreement, Gibson has acknowledged that it failed to act on information that the Madagascar ebony it was purchasing may have violated laws intended to limit overharvesting and conserve valuable wood species from Madagascar, a country which has been severely impacted by deforestation,» said Assistant Attorney General Moreno.
Regional reconstructions are generally more worthwhile than reconstructions from a single site because, if there is shared variance, the regional result is likely to be more robust and be more representative — and that makes it more valuable for continental and hemispheric comparisons.
I think it would be a valuable exercise to model Antartic ice from 1950 onwards without any ozone depletion and see what the result is.
The resulting compost is a valuable resource which is ideally suited for uptake by plants, and goes from a composition of roughly 70 % water down to 10 %.
Stoney Corners Wind Farm is stimulating valuable community institutions.Tax payments from the wind farm could result in lower property taxes, stronger school districts, and enhanced fire, rescue, police and other community services.
The idea is that, over time, the mulch will break down anyway, but with added nutrients from human urine it will not just provide organic matter to the soil, but a dose of valuable nutrients with no need for turning the compost heap or spreading out the end result.
As a result, confused consumers shy away from foods produced using new technology, which in turn forces valuable management tools from the hands of farmers and ranchers.»
If the covered lagoon method (pictured) proves to be globally valuable for business, the upshot is a large scale incentive to prevent lagoon flooding or leakage, and the resulting loss of raw material (the poop) needed profit from a waste that, if not carefully retained to extract economic value, offends neighbors, is a potential disease vector (for Avian flu for example) and poses an ecological hazard to downstream waters.
A link from to your website tells Google that your website is more valuable, and because of this your website will start appearing more prominently in search engine results.
If you want to protect yourself from low - ball settlement offers, don't make the mistake of handling your own claim for this could result in thousands of dollars lost in valuable compensation.
As a result, the billing process sucks valuable billing partner time away from more productive and profitable activities.
So the ABA survey I think is valuable, but I also think you have to take it understanding that the people who are talking about it may be speaking more from a small firm perspective than a big firm s perspective and I think that has a difference on how the results come out.
Tulsa tenants should keep in mind that protecting themselves and their valuables against losses that could result from such events is as important as protecting themselves against disease by purchasing health coverage.
Each session is filled with so much valuable information - solid proven techniques resulting from her years» experience as a successful executive recruiter.
Not only will they take up valuable real estate on your resume, but they will also cause problems with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) which will be unable to process elements of your resume as a result — which could result in you being removed from the candidate selection process.
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