Sentences with phrase «value during your marriage»

In September 2000, a Los Angeles bankruptcy judge awarded Smith $ 449,754,134, the amount that the value of his interest in Koch Industries rose in value during their marriage.
However, the increase in value during the marriage that the business enjoys may be considered marital property, and therefore be divisible to your spouse if you become divorced.
If your separate assets appreciated in value during the marriage due to marital efforts, such as your wife's labor or contributions, the appreciation is considered marital property and is subject to division in your divorce.
Assets owned prior to marriage or received during marriage as a gift or inheritance is separate property unless it increases in value during the marriage due to either spouse's efforts.
Privately - held businesses also require valuation, including estimates of future earnings and determination of the specific gain in value during the marriage if the business was one spouse's property prior to the marriage.

Not exact matches

The Pennsylvania Divorce Code establishes the presumption that marital property includes «all property acquired by either party during the marriage [without regard to title], including the increase in value... of any nonmarital property acquired [prior to marriage or by gift, bequest, devise or descent].»
However, the community will have an interest in the increased value of the business during the marriage.
In other words, it determines what percent of the present value of the pension was earned during the years of marriage.
Wife's financial expert concluded the marital portion of Husband's earnings during the marriage was $ 551,878 and conservatively estimated the value of Lifeguards at $ 1.1 million and attributed $ 500,437 to a «marital allocation.»
They are fighting for an approach to marital property that would give a husband and wife equal control and ownership over property obtained during the subsistence of the marriage during marriage, and half the value -LSB-...]
The primary issue regarding division of property dealt with a possible division of stock in M / I Homes which appreciated over $ 10 million in value during the term of the marriage.
Property that was brought into your marriage is yours to keep, but any increases in the value of this property during the duration of marriage must be shared.»
«The value of any property that you acquired during your marriage and that you still have when you separate, must be divided equally between spouses.
The divorce court has no jurisdiction to divide separate property but is required to ascertain any increase in the value of separate property during the marriage.
The husband received one half of the capital value of the two properties (his share was # 1.3 million) and was provided with an additional award amounting to # 700,000 to reflect a combination of the following 3 factors: «(a) the standard of living enjoyed during the marriage; (b) the need for a modest capital fund in order to live in the property that he is to retain; and (c) some share in the assets held by the wife» (see paragraph 114)
If one spouse owned property before the marriage, or received gifts, inheritance or money from a motor vehicle accident before or during the marriage, that has increased in value during the course of the marriage, the Court has the ability to use its discretion to divide up any increase in the value of the property, although the principal amount will belong to just the one spouse.
Increase in value of non-matrimonial assets which is due to the endeavours of one of the parties during the marriage.
If the agreement was properly executed, anticipated all the relevant contingencies that took place during the marriage, and the more powerful spouse complied with the terms of the prenuptial agreement to keep property separate, the claim's value is very likely close to $ 1 million.
As a comparison, Diamond says the only the growth of an investment account during the marriage is subject to net family property equalization, allowing the party that brought the asset into the marriage to get a credit for its value on the date of marriage.
In measuring the increase in value from marriage to separation, the trial court started with the value of the proceeds that husband received when he sold his premarital home during the marriage.
the financial circumstance of each spouse based on the property owned, the value of the property, whether it is income - producing property, and whether the property was acquired before or during marriage.
may have conducted himself or herself, during the marriage, so as to dissipate or depreciate the value of the marital property of the parties.
For a business that was established before the marriage, many business owners use prenuptial agreements to declare any increase in the value of the business during marriage as remaining a non-marital asset.
For example, if you used marital assets to improve or maintain a house that you inherited during your marriage, the court would likely consider the increased value of that house as marital property even while it considers the house itself to be your separate property.
When an asset is the separate property of one spouse, an increase in its value that occurred during the marriage is still marital property if the increase is due to the active involvement of one of the spouses, rather than simply passive appreciation.
Income from separate property, or an increase in the value of separate property, is also separate unless the income or increase in value was the result of significant activity by either spouse during the marriage.
Oftentimes, couples disagree on the value of an asset, whether it was acquired before or during the marriage, or they might fail to take into consideration important tax implications.
In addition, the appreciation in value or gain in income from a source that is separate property will likely also become a spouse's separate property unless the other spouse can prove the gain in value resulted from that spouse's efforts or labor during marriage.
• The family residence purchased during marriage with community property funds, along with any appreciation or increase in value.
The Divorce Act sets out the factors to be considered and the objectives to be met in determining spousal support — how long did the spouses live together, what was the role of each spouse in the marriage, what value should be given to the contributions made by the spouses during the marriage, should one spouse be compensated for the financial benefit to the other, how is economic hardship arising relieved, and how is self - sufficiency of each spouse promoted?
Your pension must be valued on the «date of separation», and only the value that has built up during your marriage or civil partnership is taken into account.
Sometimes this is simple (for example, the value of a retirement fund at the time of marriage), but often can be complex because the separate property has been co-mingled with marital property during the marriage, or because the records are no longer available.
In New Mexico, the law designates all property acquired by either spouse during the marriage as community property that must be divided equally upon divorce according to value.
However, if separate assets have increased in value during the course of the marriage, the increase in value is considered as marital property.
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