Sentences with phrase «value judgement»

A "value judgement" is an opinion or decision about what is good or bad, right or wrong, in terms of personal beliefs or principles. It is a subjective assessment based on someone's values, rather than objective facts. Full definition
Other groups may accept a different moral value judgement on the issue.
But in either case, the final value judgement about what is «dangerous» and what to do about it lies in the hands of the larger society.
It is the law of the land, not my personal value judgement.
Whether this is desirable is a different value judgement.
Goal oriented feedback always guides our learners along a path of greater learning, making it much more valuable than simple value judgement feedback.
And: Why did you choose «relationship success» (success implying a sort of positive value judgement) as a term for what you measured?
As the 360 - degree video footage is always being recorded, no one relies on memory or snap value judgements in the moment.
The value or otherwise of impulse regulation may be contextual, different for genders and replete with questionable culturally constructed value judgements as to what are the acceptable norms for behaviour and modes of experience; it tends to assume the priority of societal norms over individual phenomenology.
Should we be extremely cautious about some of the trends spoken of by Lisa M, especially in relation to data collected about young people before they are able to make value judgements for themselves?
Measurements of nature that affect human comfort are filled with value judgements like this (e.g. tropical cyclone strength categories).
(The term «normative» is used in this chapter to refer to a process or statement that inherently involves value judgements or beliefs.)
«In an increasingly fast - paced world, children need the freedom to dream and imagine; to enjoy reading, drawing and telling their own stories without value judgement or restraint,» she said.
But once we do that anlysis, we don't necessarily have to make the same value judgements of those original writers or cultures.
I am concerned that the differential weighting of descriptions of the political and religious domains of the two mens» lives is intentional, to the goal of exaggerating the positive and negative qualities of the two and guide the reader to apply value judgements.
But when the referendum is on something complex, where value judgements have to be applied to competing notions of risk and validity, this obscures much more than it simplifies.
A free offering is always preferable to a cheap offering for the seller because it suspends the buyer's value judgement temporarily but in exchange buyers can assess the quality of the good at their own leisure.
Lawrence Alloway claimed that the art critic should avoid explicit value judgements and instead provide information.
The crucial difference is that these mappings don't come dripping with over-extended value judgements.
He said the calculations mask enormous value judgements, arguing that the resulting dollar value has little to do with science and much to do with an administration's view of the world.
Prof MacKay acknowledged this plan was based on his «political value judgements» but added: «The [British public] do seem to care quite a lot about the cost so we should be looking for a low carbon solution that is low cost.
That is not the job of scienti c policy advisers who might be tempted to simplify the situation, thereby pre-determining the complex value judgements.
Like by having an opinion, we automatically make value judgements on their choices.
I also find it amusing that you have no problem making value judgements about me based upon my posts, but chastise others for doing the same to you based on yours.
No, Bill Deacon, it is not my personal value judgement.
You are essentially making a value judgement based on your experience, which is Steven's whole point.
They wish to leave such «value judgements» to the «market» of diverging individual opinions, each of which is rationally self - serving.
George Cassalis says: «Marx and Engels, in the wake of other philosophers, used the notion of class struggles to formulate a value judgement on social reality.
Was asking in connection to your statement: our value judgements depend on what we use as the grounds of our position.
Morality can progress or digress... our value judgements depend on what we use as the grounds of our position.
And it is on the basis of the level of creativity (actual or potential) that we make value judgements.
Right and wrong only exist within the context of one another, and not as value judgements, but rather as an example of opposites.
I value her judgement, because she's been vegetarian, and a mom, for enough years to be the pro she is.
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