Sentences with phrase «value of learning outside»

The school / centre has a strong commitment to the added value of learning outside the classroom and beyond the school premises.
Most education professionals recognise the value of learning outside the classroom (LOtC) in broadening the horizons of young people, raising self esteem and making learning more memorable.

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There is an unrecognized alliance between anti-intellectuals outside the university (often called fundamentalists) and intellectuals within the university, both of whom propose a dichotomy, even an antithesis, between faith and reason, heart and mind, facts and values, belief and knowledge, devotion and learning.
Now she has a more balanced mother who looks after her needs too, who has interests outside of herself and is more able and happy to attend to her daughter's needs because she is using her brain and advocacy values to make the world a better place and learning how to be a better parent at the same time from other moms in the same boat.
For instance, during this year, if not before, your child will learn the value of friends — both children and adults — outside her own family, a strong indicator of her growing independence.
It's not that I'm against learning from other mothers or against bouncing ideas off of each other and talking about what's worked and what hasn't (because I am) and it's not that I don't value the friendships I've made with other women who have kids (because I do), but after having my son I was in search of friends who would give me something outside of my child, who would remind me that motherhood wasn't the only characteristic that defined me.
In general, and there are outliers to this of course, it's probably like a bell curve, but the middle of the bell curve functional medicine doctor cares about doing the right thing, really wants their patients to get better, is trying to learn to be a better physician, and is just probably a better clinician than a business person and so hasn't been able to develop like a scalable practice where they could see where they couldn't deliver value outside of just sitting across from someone and just working with them.
Ever since the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) manifesto was launched in 2008, highlighting the powerful educational value of school trips, when asked whether the benefits of taking pupils on educational visits outweigh concerns over cost and safety, teachers and instructors have always answered with a resounding «yes».
A «can do» culture that is supportive of learning outside the classroom can add the most value to enabling students to achieve well and thrive, says a recent Ofsted best practice report.
Our students are learning on their own, outside of school, on the internet, and while what they are learning may not be of «great social value,» it does have the potential to add great social value to our schools.
Overall, the majority of students, at least 80 percent, taking a PBL course state that the greatest value is the ability to apply what they have learned to their lives outside of class.
At least 80 % of students taking a PBL course state that the greatest value is the ability to apply what they have learned to their lives outside of class.
In this session, you will deepen your understanding of the ways in which learning groups create as well as transmit culture, values, and democracy within and outside the classroom.
Airbnb offers another example of how contextual learning adds value outside of onboarding.
It offers students the opportunity to think outside of the box, to disseminate and synthesise their ideas, think critically, justify their choices using evidence... It gives students an opportunity to organise their thoughts, to stimulate interesting discussions, make links between the knowledge and skills that they have developed in and around different subjects, thus building their capital and valuing the importance of their learning in each subject, and how it links to other areas of the curriculum and life.
Working in places that value outcomes for all students through a culture of shared learning led her to explore opportunities outside the classroom.
Education systems should incorporate multiple ways of learning, combining formal and non-formal, traditional and modern, local and outside languages, local and external teachers; high priority needs to be given to vocational learning, through community - based institutions; content should be focused on enhancing links with nature, culture, and society, encouraging community and collective thinking and working, respecting diversity, and other principles and values described in this section.
Some external Advice Hints and tips for schools to plan and support learning outside the classroom include: recognising the value of LOtC in achieving the outcomes you want to achieve for your young people.
«Standards recognise the professional value of teachers in schools and establish the teacher as the learning professional for those outside the profession,» says Anna McKenzie, Project Manager with the Standards Implementation Team, ACT Teacher Quality Institute.
Learning outside the classroom has become widely recognised as a beneficial part of a balanced and effective curriculum, and there's new evidence supporting the value of this and residential trips
The idea that experiences outside these structured courses have value is something most instructional designers might agree with conceptually, but have no idea where to start in terms of designing experiences or environments that support the full spectrum of learning.
Outside of my work at school, I am lucky enough to travel the world and experience various curriculum in action and support schools in the implementation of educational technology to add value to learning.
Jia Lee and a MORE led UFT will fight for a learning environment that values pedagogic freedom, authentic assessment, and meeting students» needs inside and outside of the classroom.
In order to motivate Millennials you must take full advantage of this great eLearning practice of offering them on - the - go learning: your young employees are certainly more enthusiastic about working outside their offices than their older colleagues, as they deeply value work - life balance.
I can see how helpful your site will be to learning more and I especially am grateful how clear you write, as a new comer to value investing and investing in general I find it a relief to read something outside of Phil's book that makes sense.
I believe that understanding the many norms and business practices outside of our country — and valuing and learning from diverse peoples and cultures — strengthens our nation and our economy.
-- November 1944 on the following topics: The essay «Concerning Art Instruction» by Josef Albers outlines the value of art education to learning both in the classroom and outside of it.
Our exploration of the Social Lab as a way to close the implementation gap for family justice reform, has revealed how valuable the mediation skillset is to encourage effective collaboration, to interpret the world from a variety of different perspectives, to engage with those both within and outside of the «system», to value curiosity and learning, and to do joint problem - solving.
I believe that as in - house counsel learn the value of modern business tools and methods designed to increase efficiency and effectiveness; such as project management, knowledge management, business intelligence, and so on; they will increasingly demand use of those same tools and methods by their favoured outside counsel.
We also learned the main reason in - house attorneys did not implement value - based engagements was due to resistance from outside counsel.2 A somewhat startling statistic is that only 18 percent of in - house attorneys preferred hourly billing as the payment method of choice.3
From these surveys, we learned that more than 83 percent of in - house attorneys either currently used, or would like to use, value - based pricing to compensate outside counsel.1
We highlight: (a) purposefully and systematically encouraging activities inside and outside of the classroom that allow students to make choices, exchange points of view, solve problems and make value based decisions; (b) creating time and space within schools for students to act freely and responsibly; (c) when evaluating student learning, valorizing work arising from students» free initiative, and encouraging their positive actions within the school and the community (Martins et al., 2017, p. 18).
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