Sentences with phrase «value of the underlying asset when»

With CFDs, you only have to put in a fraction of the market value of the underlying asset when making a trade, sometimes as little as 1 %.

Not exact matches

With these options, money is made when the price of the underlying asset increases in value.
Deliver Price is the value of the conveyance of the underlying asset when the contract expires.
Language, like money under inflationary conditions, loses its value as a medium of exchange when issued in excessive quantity and without regard for the real assets underlying it.
Profit and loss are established when that underlying asset value shifts in relation to the position of the opening price.
This is helpful when an accident or event depreciates the value of a car, but the payments you make on the underlying asset are still overvalued.
An alternative view - I hope you and other readers will call out any holes in my reasoning: - Bubbles tend to be created when the price people are willing to pay become disconnected from the value of the underlying assets.
Put options go up in value when the underlying asset declines below the exercise price of the option.
When the price of the ETF deviates from the underlying asset value, institutions utilize the arbitrage mechanism afforded by creation units to bring the ETF price back into line with the underlying asset value.
Each Investment Option (with the exception of the Principal Plus Interest Option) indirectly bears its pro rata portion of the underlying Funds» expenses because when fees are deducted from an underlying Fund's assets, the value of the underlying Fund's shares is reduced.
The trick to these investments is to buy in when they trade below the underlying net asset value of their holdings.
Call option — this is the option an investor uses when they want to predict an increase in the value of an underlying asset.
a «capital gain» on your original investment if the value of the scheme's underlying investment assets has gone up when they are sold.
Most of the time, investors can also receive the intrinsic value price for the underlying assets of the portfolio when selling.
When you trade CFDs, you take a position on the change in value of the underlying asset over time.
Sure, there's plenty of (potential) value here, in terms of reserves & resources — but like its smaller brethren, underlying asset value's often a pretty notional affair when the cost of accessing / exploiting it requires a daunting level of funding and / or dilution.
When you buy a CFD over a share, index or commodity (known as «going long»), you hope that the value of that underlying asset will rise, so you can sell the CFD for a profit.
You are essentially betting on whether the value of an underlying asset is going to rise or fall in the future compared to what it was when the contract was taken out (or executed).
We believe that certainty of underlying asset value is the most important factor to consider when evaluating risk.
We pay particularly close attention to risk when deciding to initiate a position and after management has made a decision that could impact the underlying asset value of a company.
However, because of investment fluctuations, and also because of the expenses incurred when the policy is issued, this value may exceed the market value of the underlying assets.
The surprising fact when Bitcoin came out is that a lot of people thought that Bitcoin could never retain value because it has no backing or underlying asset that guarantees its value.
When roadmap deadlines are hit, presentations take place, and utility has increased the value of the underlying asset tends to increase in value in comparison to BTC and other altcoins.
The agreements will also mandate that traders provide an initial margin of «50 % of the notional value of the CFD when the underlying [asset] is a cryptocurrency» — more than twice the initial margin required of any other CFD.
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