Sentences with phrase «value pattern»

In a contemporary context, he thus rebels against socialization and, as a modern Sisyphus, questions value patterns which are conveyed to people today by societal constructs and authorities.
In a contemporary context, he thus rebels against socialization and, as a modern Sisyphus, questions value patterns which are conveyed to people today by societal constructs and authorities.
The exercise presented here differs from Gustafson's model in the attention it gives to exploring the existing value patterns in a congregation.
In the present section, several more specific ways are presented by which the effort to uncover the ethos of a congregation is pressed: (a) listening for narrative elements, (b) participant observation, (c) guided interviews for value patterns, and (d) corporate moral inquiry.
If one accepts as valid Whitehead's general criterion of value, and if one defines God as the most inclusive generalization of this value pattern (as Whitehead does), then how could God will evil for man?
In fact, some would say that there is no human value or goodness unless this value pattern is exemplified in our activities; that the capacity to realize this structure of relations in our lives (to a greater extent than can the other animals) is what largely constitutes our humanity.
Or does he refer to the value pattern on the basis of which I try to decide whether a given situation is good or evil?
Now insofar as we have found that this value pattern has resulted in human satisfaction and good, we have empirical grounds for trusting God's standard of value.
These similarities describe a typical American value pattern that might well be different from, say, a typical Russian value pattern.
The motifs may prove to be too specific, however, for sensing the gestalt of the folk tale, and the reader may tire of following false leads before finding something that parallels the value pattern of the congregation.
In the book I profile a value pattern that I call «base case value» which is simply net asset value reconciling with the earnings power value.
Although this is more relevant in landscapes than still life paintings, your focal point should be supported by your design and the value patterns that lead up to it.
«For most judges, for most lawyers, for most human beings, we are as unconscious of our value patterns as we are of the oxygen that we breathe.»
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