Sentences with phrase «value policy also»

A dividend paying cash value policy also has the feature of premium offset.
However, cash value policies also include an attractive accumulation element.
Agreed Amount Value policies also replace old items for new in the event of a partial loss, without any deduction for depreciation.

Not exact matches

Creating policies that value employees is not only the right thing to do, it's also good for business.
You will also need the more costly cash value policy if you purchase life insurance for the purpose of leaving a charitable legacy, Simmonds said.
These policies are also unique in that they allow you to borrow, tax - free, against the policy's cash value during your lifetime.
Cash value life insurance refers to any life insurance policies that not only have a death benefit but also accumulate value in a separate account within the policy.
You also have the option to purchase an owner's policy if you'd like to be covered for the full home value, not just the loan amount.
Many banks will also require a borrower to insure an asset being purchased over the course of a loan (with an insurance policy acquired for that purpose), to protect the value of the asset being purchased with the loan proceeds.
For some permanent life insurance policies, you're also able to pay premiums using the policy's cash value.
He also faced criticism for policies that seemed to value bank profitability over helping struggling homeowners.
The majority of permanent life insurance policies also have a cash value component, which is similar to an investment account.
You can also pay premiums using the policy's cash value.
Firth says Canada's tightening of the screws on the financial sector is the polar opposite of the policy of the European Union, whose countries also have value - added taxes like the GST.
Permanent insurance, which includes whole life and universal insurance policies, is for life: It provides a death benefit for as long as you pay the premium, but also may include cash value that can be accessed during the insured person's lifetime.1
Further, if the death benefit exceeds the policy cash surrender value, the proceeds received by the beneficiary after the client's death will also be income tax - free.
They can only be made consistent if Washington also unleashes an infrastructure building program, a policy initiative consistent with either of the other two, on a truly heroic scale — which, as an aside, I suspect would be a smart strategy under any circumstances as American infrastructure needs are so great that the consequent productivity increases would fully service the associated debt long before they stopped adding value to the economy.
Most lenders require that borrowers have a policy through the company (which covers the loan amount), but you can also buy an additional owner's policy to cover the home's entire value.
Lifetime Builder ELITE also offers the potential to accumulate greater cash values over the life of the policy than other fixed - interest permanent insurance products.
Also called the face value of the policy, this refers to the payout the beneficiaries will receive upon your passing.
In the case that you pass, the policy beneficiaries should file a claim with the insurer, after which point the circumstances of your death will be reviewed and receive the payout (also called a death benefit or the face value of the policy) so long as everything is in order.
You can also take a tax - free loan from the insurer using the policy's cash value as collateral, so long as the loan doesn't exceed the cash value.
It also offers the potential to accumulate greater cash values over the life of the policy than other fixed - interest permanent insurance products.
As cash values accumulate in the policy, you also have the option to use these funds to pay the premiums; however, this is still considered a loan and the same factors exist.
He notes, too, that those saving for college may also be positioned to assume greater risk in their 529 portfolio if they otherwise have sufficient assets in an IRA or cash value life insurance policy from which they could potentially borrow for college expenses penalty - free.
«The federal government has taken a leadership position on climate change policy while also enabling greater access to international markets for our natural resources, which ensures that Canadians receive full value for those resources.»
Also, tapping into the cash value of a life insurance policy reduces its value and death benefit and increases the chance the policy will lapse.
Also, the cash value will accumulate sooner in certain policies
Since the growth of your policy's cash value is tax - deferred, variable life insurance might be a good consideration if you've maxed out your retirement account contributions, have a sizable portfolio of more liquid assets (such as in your brokerage and savings accounts), and are looking for an additional investment vehicle that also offers coverage to your dependents should anything happen to you.
Variable life insurance is also similar to whole life insurance but, instead of having a guaranteed rate of growth, the cash value of the policy can be invested in sub-accounts offered by the insurer.
A term life insurance policy offers coverage for a specified period of time, meaning that if you die during the term of the policy the beneficiary will receive the specified payout (also known as the death benefit or face value of the policy).
«Now is the time for all those who value justice and equality in holding Uber accountable, not only in its complicity with Trump's hateful policies but also for impoverishing workers,» the TWA statement read.
If not, what kinds of regulatory standards could also facilitate a «low» policy that respects existing cultures, encourages critical discourse, values history and empowers even religious institutions?
Election returns and public - opinion studies indicate discontent with some serious imperfections in recent liberal political policies and programs; studies also show that the general population does not want to give up the values of such programs and still wants additional selected government services.
Looking primarily to models based on quantitative research methodologies to provide a clear direction for policy in regulating media and violence can also distract policy makers from coming to grips with other difficult but more important value questions that impinge on the issue of media and violence, such as the purpose of broadcasting, issues of ownership and control of media, the international context of Australian media, the dominant economic nature of most of Australia's social communications, the distinctive ways in which the media reproduce and reconstruct myths and symbols of violence from within the culture, and how audiences use and respond to media myths and symbols.
The Company also provided an update on senior executive appointments, meaningful progress it is making on its Strategic Renewal Plan (the «Plan») to drive long - term shareholder value creation, and corporate governance policies.
Zaha would also provide Premier League experience while his age means he fits in with chairman Daniel Levy's policy of signing players who will not lose their value in the transfer market.
But our ability to care for them successfully also depends in large part on how the wider culture, policies, and values support childrearing.
This has also raised question about the effectiveness of the conflict of interest policy of the medical journal Lancet, given that two of the lead authors of its series on Maternal and Child Nutrition were members of Nestle's Creating Shared Value Advisory Committee.
This policy is also flawed though, it has been deeply criticised for driving up the value of homes, it reduces individual ownership of their biggest asset and even with the reduced cost, in places like London, the mortgage payments remain high.
These incentives and policy instruments could be financial, but they could also be lighter - touch regulatory and market mechanisms that help SMEs (unlike mechanisms such as auctions that are barriers to small players who do not have corporate back - up and who need to know the value of their product in advance if they are to raise funds).
The most effective vote winning policies are ones which are popular on their own, but which also tell a bigger story about the party's values and are consistent with their other policies - opposing the Iraq war and top - up fees were both popular policies, but also clearly signalled to disillusioned Labour voters that the Lib Dems shared their values as a centre - left party of peace and public services.
She is also to promise to use the speech to identify a large number of other current policies that do not comply with Labour's «fair and reasonable values» and which will be altered or discontinued.
He also explained that the policy will add value to the various raw materials available at the various districts in the country.
«As we are thinking about how to implement the program, we are obviously learning from the path - breaking leadership of the Council and the speaker and being able to develop great programs and want to learn from those, but also set sort of priorities of how to use limited dollars in ways that are consistent with the city's values and policies,» Agarwal said.
«Policies like this not only reflect the city's values of fairness and justice but they also underscore the importance of ensuring that our schools remain safe spaces for our children.»
Our record is also of interest to climate policy developments, because it opens the door to detailed comparisons between past atmospheric CO2 concentrations, global temperatures, and sea levels, which has enormous value to long - term future climate projections.»
Unilever was also a player in palm oil trader Wilmar's recent agreement to adopt a no - deforestation policy, which prohibits its suppliers from establishing plantations on lands with large amounts of carbon — like peat soils — or lands with a high conservation value (ClimateWire, Dec. 8, 2013).
«Policymakers should also consider more clinically nuanced cost - sharing policies that take medication value into account, rather than subjecting all specialty drugs to high cost sharing.»
Thus the very multidimensionality of such scientific concepts is part of their technical imprecision (which is more than just analytical lack of resolution); it is also the source of their resilience and value in bridging (and perhaps reorganizing) the differentiated social worlds typical of modern policy issues.
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