Sentences with phrase «value shown»

Above is a a map of ocean pH, with higher values shown in orange and red.
Values shown for prior years include all donor - advised fund sponsors that could be identified as operating in the year reported.
Negative values show reductions in emissions, while positive values reflect emission increases.
The blue book value shows what a buyer would generally pay for a car on the open market.
If taxes were taken into account, the hypothetical values shown would have been lower.
Positive values show pairs of means that are significantly different.
Our core values show that the company focuses on educating and meeting needs, not just on selling the same policy to everyone and calling it a day.
Although distribution and padding are elements to consider when determining how a headset feels, the true value shows how differences in materials and designs affect the final weight.
The dollar value shown is how much rent will increase on an annual basis, according to each city's median rent.
Besides, refusing to strengthen a team because a 28 - year - old has no resale value shows a complete lack of ambition.
The tables for sweetener values show the calories per gram, the sweetness relative to sugar and the glycemic index for each sweetener.
If you don't discover anything value showing, you may take you adorable and lovable dog out for a move.
Using a mixture calculator for the supplied gas values shows that the mixture is 6.4 % rich.
The default values shown are hypothetical and may not be applicable to your individual situation.
The ending values shown are hypothetical and are not intended to represent the results of any specific investment or investing strategy.
The income cap values shown in the figure above are established for 2014, and these values will generally increase each year.
The costs and benefits difference stack that has the highest net present value shows the roof type that is most cost - effective.
The employment values you show the employer will be the deciding factor in your application.
If taxes were taken into account, the hypothetical values shown would have been lower.
Our core values show that the company focuses on educating and meeting needs, not just on selling the same policy to everyone and calling it a day.
The lack of the annual values shown by CRU but deleted by Neil does make the graph suspect given its method of end smooting, and that is so even without the extention to 2013.
Wes Higbee was a guest on a previous episode of the Art of Value Show.
Paying only the guaranteed values shown at issue would clearly penalize longtime policyholders the most, because the difference between current and guaranteed values increases each year.
The net surrender value is the gross cash value shown in the policy minus any identifiable surrender charges, outstanding policy loans, and unpaid interest on policy loans plus any prepaid premiums, dividends accumulated at interest, cash values attributable to paid - up additions, and any additional terminal dividends.
Deep Value shows the place to look for mispricings — in calamity, among the unloved, the ignored, the neglected, the shunned, and the feared.
«The steady annual increase in home values shows sustainable growth and an improving economy,» says Walters.
Specifically, adolescents who perceived themselves as having a high mate value showed more dating desire if the other person was attractive compared to adolescents who perceived themselves as having a lower mate value.
Finally, boys and girls who perceived themselves as having a high mate value showed more dating desire toward an attractive potential partner compared to adolescents who perceived themselves as having a low mate value.
If 2.66 x ln (CO2 / ppmv) is removed from the data the remaining values show zero trend.
(Fun thing to do: Ask the insurance company's chief actuary about the probability, rounded to ten decimal places, that you will get only the guaranteed values shown in the illustration.)
So «in the case of Romance Kindle sales, only 10 % — 12 % of the titles in each category are earning the average value shown or more.»
Generally, all ULIP's fund value would get reduced to the extent of commissions paid to agents + premium allocation charges, etc., Hence ULIP holders fund value shows very less compared to what they invested for a moment ignore the returns.
Minshew explains that the company didn't need the funding, which is a great way to say «I've got this under control, but when an investor of strong caliber and aligned values showed interest, it made sense to join forces.»
A further comparison in the graph below of distributions as a percentage of net asset value shows that venture capital distributions have averaged nearly 14 % per year since 1980 which compares quite favorably to average annual buyout distributions of about 15 % over the same period.
You may also want to gather costs you incurred so that your customer lifetime value shows your breakeven point (although that calculation is not part of this initial analysis).
An objective look at the state of America today her inst - i - tutions, her socialistic political - economic drift, her young people's values shows precisely the results that the Soviets, for decades, bragged they wanted to achieve.
He writes that Whitehead's statement about value shows that he attributes «interiority» to events in nature (EWM 42).
The mere fact that an intoxicated man, at a certain stage of inebriation, has considerable entertainment value shows that our culture has sometimes made drunkenness socially rewarding.
They should just draft the best player on their board at those points — if a 3rd round value shows up in the 6th round, who cares about whether they already picked a guy at the same position.
A s our survey on ideology and political values shows on p21, politicians still need to stand for something.
Imputation for missing values showed a marginally lower average difference in systolic blood pressure of 8.8 mm Hg.
The names of subclades and lineages defined for the Arctic - related, Asian and Cosmopolitan clades are detailed in S1 Table, with corresponding bootstrap values shown for major nodes.
(B) Changes in maximum efficiency of photosystem II expressed as quantitative Fv / Fm values shown graphically or (C) Spatially.
The number and intensity of ROS - stained cells were captured with a GE InCell imager and the percentage of cells expressing ROS above a set threshold were determined; positive values show pairs of means that are significantly different.
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