Sentences with phrase «value teachers»

Private schools value teachers who have degrees in their chosen subject.
All who value teachers as leaders are welcome to join.
These results suggest either that the academic considerations parents value are better captured by principal ratings or that parents have difficulty observing how much value a teacher adds to reading and math test scores.
Then suppose that they do not value teachers of high quality, perhaps because they make other teachers look bad in comparison.
As a teacher at a school that values teacher leadership through formal team leader roles, I will work to strengthen collaboration among our team leaders.
Students value teachers who give them the extra help they need to succeed and explain their lessons clearly.
This situation can lead students to only value the teachers who can entertain them.
Students actually value teacher praise more than accolades from peers, according to the study.
If the community values teachers, people need to put their money where their mouth is.
But by that metric, not all states value teachers equally.
And one of the main reasons the current system is not working is because we don't value teachers enough.
For instance, many employers value teachers with excellent communication or creative thinking abilities.
Principals value teachers who learn new teaching techniques, keep current on technology changes, continue their university coursework, and develop better communication skills.
And when we don't value teachers, the system as a whole suffers.
«Plenty of folks talk about valuing teachers by paying them more, but the data here are crystal clear: Teachers are getting hosed,» said EdChoice President and CEO Robert Enlow.
Among other things, they found teachers tend to be more satisfied with their jobs if they perceive that their principal clearly communicates expectations and vision, discusses instructional practice with teachers, and highly values teacher input.
Brandon Wiley, Director of Asia Society's ISSN, blogs from Helsinki about the differences in how Finland and the U.S. value their teachers.
In wealthier schools the results are reversed: parents most value a teacher's ability to keep students happy.
As well as helping to keep experienced and valued teachers working in our schools, this pilot will help make sure teaching remains attractive to the next generation and regarded as a profession that is flexible to the demands of the modern world.»
But David Bomberg emerges as a deeply valued teacher at Borough polytechnic, whose students inherited his convictions about the uncompromising effort that painting requires.
The conservatives who control the board have neutered the teachers union, prodded neighborhood elementary schools to compete with one another for market share, directed tax money to pay for religious education and imposed a novel pay scale that values teachers by their subjects, so a young man teaching algebra to eighth graders can make $ 20,000 a year more than a colleague teaching world history down the hall.
A spokesman for the Department for Education said: «The countries which give their children the best education in the world are those which value their teachers most highly and where the profession attracts the brightest graduates.
The transparency is no accident; administrators here value teacher learning as highly as student learning — so highly, in fact, that High Tech High has started its own graduate school of education — and they want students to see that.
They also rely on various versions of merit pay, usually rewarding some teachers for subject specialization and other talents in order to retain valued teachers and to provide incentives for improvement.
LIT values teachers to be innovative learners as well!
Moreover, the Akatu's education program values the teacher as a leading agent of social transformation through education of children and adolescents through the transmission of new values, new concepts and new practices where the school environment acts as a space host of this process.
Interestingly, the students in our study emphasized that they still valued teacher guidance and information «delivery».
Obama and [vice presidential candidate] Joe Biden value teachers and the central role that they play in education.
We should value teachers for their actual effectiveness in the classroom, not their paper qualifications.»
Like many districts, Shelby County Schools values teacher collaboration and shared leadership, but they also know schools need support to achieve those conditions.
MPA received funding to provide teachers with materials and supply budgets to cover «the little things» — markers, paper, binder clips, as well as books, equipment for science experiments, and journals — in order to design quality daily lessons for students, while valuing teachers as professionals by providing needed classroom supplies and materials.
With a graduate - level teaching degree and licensure from UNC, you'll be a highly - valued teacher candidate — UNC is the premier teacher preparation university in Colorado.
Other empirical works (Darling Hammond, 2004) have shown how effective valuing teacher quality is when implemented in America.
Tucson Values Teachers honored Desert View Drama Teacher Ms. Ericka Quintero - Heras as one of its Teachers of the Year.
Schools Minister Nick Gibb said the government valued teachers highly, but many top graduates chose other careers.
AISL values its teachers and staff and provides an amount of support I have never seen.
Proactively gather this information by developing rapport with valued teacher / studio customers, and inquiring into teacher / studio preferences.
Further, the school leaders hired me, in part, because they saw and valued my teacher research perspective, and hoped I would be able to bring it to their newly forming school community.
If she was serious about valuing teachers she wouldn't have threatened to sack us for achieving an unrealistic target just the week before.»
Wiley, Director of Asia Society's International Studies Schools Network, blogs from Helsinki about the differences in how Finland and the U.S. value their teachers.
Filled with advice and practical methods for rethinking the practice of teaching, The Power of Teacher Teams highlights teacher collaboration that can help transform the culture of schools into communities of learning that foster and value teacher leadership.
As well as helping to keep experienced and valued teachers working in our schools, this pilot will make sure teaching remains attractive to the next generation and regarded as a profession that is flexible to the demands of the modern world.»
I deeply value their teachers» perspective on how they're progressing academically and in other ways, but I also want a more objective gauge of whether they're on grade level in math, reading, and writing.
«I was so inspired by the company at the outset, excited to be in a private organization that truly valued teachers as 21st century knowledge workers.
Create a school structure that values teacher learning.
«The people who are making decisions in the legislature have made it clear they don't value teachers and have made a situation where many people just like me — who are seasoned, quality teachers — leave.»
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