Sentences with phrase «values of society»

You feel strongly that the basic values of our society are important and must be preserved.
Our choices are often influenced by the collective values of society.
Judges look to public opinion to identify the central values of society that need defending, scholars say, and should not simply substitute their own values.
Being a market - linked plan, it comes handy with absolute returns and that are subject to the net asset value of the society at the time of maturity.
Peace movements fail because they are not seen as reflecting the basic values of a society.
Hamilton's pop irony, and his own rigorous belief in the power of pop as «fundamentally a statement of belief in the changing values of society,» allies itself with the museum's current trajectory of exhibition - cum - art parties.
You can raise your children as you see fit, so long as that does not prevent them from assimilating the core values of the society.
The singularity of the common law lies in the ability of the courts to mould the law to correspond with the contemporary values of society.
But it is with regard to money and property that the apparent values of our society most obviously conflict with the values of Christianity.
The church is no longer the institution that embodies the dominant values of society or functions in its vanguard.
Those who suffer for such causes would understand better the cross of Jesus who contested the harmful and unjust values of the society of his day.
As a result, he argues, «movies do raise vital questions about the spiritual landscape and normative values of society today.»
The answer to an instant gratification culture isn't to simply discard technology but to subvert the very values of a society that calls you to produce and consume more, more, more and do it now, now, now.
You can be a person who does not believe in God and still behave according to major ethical and moral values of the society you live in, but to follow a faith requires a belief in God.
«Schools are supposed to set an example of many, many values of society and one of them ought to be eating well,» said Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at NYU and the author of «What to Eat».
Artistes should take responsibility to uphold the cultural values of the society and avoid doing anything morally offensive and unhelpful to the Ghanaian identity, he said.
This is because when a leader of a country refers to it as a «Christian Nation», that necessarily implies that inhabitants who do not subscribe to this doctrine are somehow lesser or «incomplete» citizens as they fail to adhere to the expected values of that society.
When the democratic values of our society are being trampled by «reforms» that punish schools serving our neediest children, increase segregation and eliminate democratically elected school boards, where is your outrage?
He underlines every word, every sentence, every paragraph, or even every page that is indecent and that endangers public morality and the time - honored values of society.
Inspired by her personal experiences as the eldest of nine children and as a mother, these moments of chaos reflect her concern with the conflicting values of society directing parents to be both child - centred and self - obsessed at the same time.
Founded in Zurich during the First World War, Dada was the first of the modern anti-art movements, whose members were revolted by the butchery of the 1914 World War and devoted themselves to an artistic style that set out to deliberately challenge all the traditional values of a society that could have allowed such barbarity to occur.
Against the background of a continent destroyed by war, the members of COBRA rejected the conventional values of a society which had spawned Auschwitz, and promoted their vision of a new type of expressionism for the people.
Resourceful and adept in maintaining the educational values of our society.
Judicial mores following very slowly on the changing values of society (snail like speed) are changing for the better and the positive.
Intelligent humor is part of his critique which hits at the core values of the society that he is looking at and creates a starting point for social debate.
The most unsettling part of this book is Le Rider's gentle hint throughout that when the Viennese modernists hurled themselves against the norms and values of their society, they were chafing against mere gossamer chains and bridles of cotton.
When it attained power and influence its ideal faded and, in large measure, it conformed to the values of the society in which it had power.
A more complete reason is that the restrictive divorce laws were part of the values of a society that disapproved of divorce and favored the preservation of marriage.
Churches have always existed in a tension between the values they affirm and the values of the societies within which they exist.
The fact is that, God, being nothing more than a projection of prevailing societal values, has changed, is changing and will always change — in perfect lockstep with the values of the society that created him.
This challenge presents itself in the form of three dangers: (1) the danger of a growing disparity between economic classes; (2) the danger of materialism, of the rewards of the economic system becoming the goals and values of society; and (3) the danger of a selfish pseudo-individualism that evades individual moral responsibility.
The value system of a person is the set of desires that govern his conduct, and the values of society are the will and preferences of the people as expressed in customs and through the activities of government.
Its political strategy must, therefore, take on the form of dissent and resistance; it must stand over against the prevalent structures and values of society.
It contrasts with an emphasis on open and free debate about the goals and values of society itself — what Habermas calls «communicative action.»
Our parishes, our schools and our charitable institutions propose, sometimes in a modest but nonetheless real manner, a valid alternative to the values of our society.
In most things we reflect the values of our society.
In Scotland during the time of devolution we have seen a considerable effort to reshape the values of our society.
There is no longer a generally accepted assumption that private property is sacred; and something radical needs to be done to reestablish the social fabric, the values of that society, or that society will not endure.
It is a historical fact (perhaps unwelcome to some, but true) that our main systems of ethics, the way we do law and justice, the values of society, how we decide what is fair, the protection of the poor, and most of the way we look at society... All have been shaped by and founded on Christianity.
Segal takes this as vivid support for his thesis that views of the afterlife invariably mirror the values of the society producing them.
Why does religion (especially christianity) and it's followers have a knack for trying to push it onto other's lives and into the values of society as a whole?
On the other hand, celebrity needs to understand his / her responsibility in regard to the norms and values of the society.
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