Sentences with phrase «values these actions represent»

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Pomerantz represents Banco Safra SA, one of the largest banks in Brazil, in a class action against Samarco Mineracao SA, relating to the loss in value to the company's bonds triggered by the Fundão dam - burst disaster.
High profits may be justified if novel products offer significant benefits to patients (thus producing indirect economic value through the patients» restored health) or if they represent significant pharmacologic advances over their predecessors — offering new mechanisms of actions and emblematic of high - risk research.
Like Henderson, he may find it hard to command consistent first - team action at his new club, but there is no doubt he represents value for money — maybe the best of the summer.
The model, developed by Frank, Cockburn and co-author Anne Collins, was based on prior research on the function of the striatum, a part of the brain's basal ganglia (BG) that is principally involved in representing reward values of actions and picking one.
Your positive thoughts and actions, which represent your values, are in a sense bigger than you are.
Do your actions represent what God believes about you and the person you are talking to — that you are both highly valued and treasured as children of Christ?
In fact, the return of capital via a tender offer should also provide further reassurance: Shareholders could be unfairly penalised if they accepted a tender offer based on incomplete info, and / or an NAV per share that did not represent market values for all assets (& liabilities)-- potentially exposing the board / company to legal action.
Kelly, the attorney representing consumers in the class - action lawsuit, says there wouldn't be a problem if customers knew up front how much Citi valued the miles.
It is represented by a combination of five qualities: 1) natural; 2) solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation; 3) undeveloped; 4) untrammeled nature (essentially free from the actions of modern human control or manipulation); and 5) ecological, geological, or other features of scientific, educational, scenic, or historical value.
While many people refuse to pay for mobile games these days, CounterSpy represents excellent value for money: for less than the price of a pint of beer, you've got a stylish, enjoyable mix of action and sneaking that changes every time you play.
Mechanism created by a state statute or regulatory action to make it easier to track and trade renewable energy — A single REC represents a tradable credit for each unit of energy produced from qualified renewable energy facilities, thus separating the renewable energy's environmental attributes from its value as a commodity unit of energy.
The defendants» costs budgets, at an aggregate # 24m, represented a small arithmetical proportion, approximately seven percent, of the estimated value of the action.
Representing bank in an action to recover a $ 14 million deficiency from borrowers and guarantors following a series of defaults on a commercial loan portfolio valued at $ 105 million.
Representing an overseas company in relation to a high value international shareholders» dispute, derivative action and fraud claim brought under the UNCITRAL arbitration rules.
It is a service which has value, and their actions represent a loss on their part — a loss which can be included in your claim.
The report explained that cost provisions should «reduce the adverse impact on constitutional values of unmeritorious litigation... deter commencement of such actions» and encourage counsel to represent defendants on a contingency basis.
This collective action at the moment of impasse represents an affirmation of these values.
By writing out your achievements in C - A-R (Challenge - Action - Result) format before building your executive resume, you'll start to see patterns that represent your personal brand value.
Developed with extensive consultation and support from the community, the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) functions as a platform of values and principles from which ECA as an organisation can help advance reconciliation in our communities, and provide leadership and support to the early childhood education and care professionals it represents.
ECA's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) was developed with extensive consultation and support from the community, the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) functions as a platform of values and principles from which ECA as an organisation can help advance reconciliation in our communities, and provide leadership and support to the early childhood education and care professionals it represents.
English: Students identify an issue (either individually or as a class) in their local community which represents a violation of human rights values and principles and develops and implements a plan of action for addressing this problem.
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