Sentences with word «varation»

You are correlating AMO, SOI, and PDO with natural variation, not with the long term trend, and of course they correlate very well with natural varation around the trend.
Morocco is a country that will drag you back time and time again with its stunning varation in landscape and culture and opportunity for adventure.
From the map, we have been discussing this with the team members, but there are so many closed areas in past Castlevania games, surrounded by walls... we sort of had really closed experience, in that I wanted to open out to the outdoor and get more varations.
Now why do we believe the models inclusion of decadal varations is meaningful if the dynammics are wrong and the forcings are have error bars that are large and we have such a large variation in predictions about when the «pause» will end.
I think we are seeing nothing more than climatic varation caused by our orbit, sun activty and a number of other related natural factors, but the trouble is that we take a short term view of weather and think in terms of what we remember as Children not what has gone on in recent history - After all 5000 years is the blink of an eye in the context of the age of the earth and mans habitation of it.
If you buy VUL, WL, or any of its varations, you will be supporting your insurance broker mortgage, car, and kid's college education.
Think about different tones and volumes of your voice when speaking, and what the varations convey to the listener.
I need to get back to single leg bridges... they are TOUGH in any varation I've tried!
I also think this is a great way to create cover «varations» of related images....
Anyone who has seen a formal Offer to Settle in Ontario litigation will have seen a varation on the phrase «this offer is open for acceptance until 1 minute after the commencement of trial».
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